Generating Active Host reports

Account owners and admins can view a list of active meetings, meeting minutes, and users during a specific time range—up to one month. The Active Host report allows you to view the details of any meeting held by a specific user. This report is useful for users who want to document attendance for compliance purposes. The information is essentially the same as the Usage report for member users, but for all meetings on the account.

Active meeting means the meeting was started during the specified time range. Active user means the user has participated in at least one meeting during the specified time range.

Account owners and admins can pull and export meeting attendance reports with the list of meeting attendees. Learn more about accessing the meeting attendance report.

Requirements for generating Active Host reports

Table of Contents

How to generate Active Host reports


  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Reports.
  3. Click the Usage Reports tab.
  4. Click Active Hosts.
  5. At the top, use the following functionalities to sort the data by meeting:

By Meetings

The By Meetings tab organizes meetings, from your selected time range, from most to least recent. Once you access this tab, you can view the following information about each meeting:

At the top right of the list of meetings, use the following functionalities:

At the bottom of the list of meetings, use the horizontal scroll bar to view more information about each meeting.

Export reports

You can export and generate active host reports to pull attendance reports. To retrieve more details about active meetings:

By Users

In the By Users tab, you can search for a specific user and export that user’s attendance details. You can view the following information about the list of users:

At the top of the list of meetings, use the following functionalities:

Export reports

You can export and generate active user reports to pull attendance reports. To retrieve more details about user attendance:

Report Queue

After you click Generate details report in either the By Meetings or By Users tab, Zoom will redirect you to the Report Queue tab where you can Download the report as a CSV file or Delete the generated report.

View weekly reports of meetings without passcodes or waiting room enabled

Under the Report Queue tab, account owners and admins can view a report of all upcoming meetings without a password or Waiting Room, auditing their user's upcoming meetings to ensure they are meeting your account security standards. These reports are generated weekly and always available on the Report Queue, along with other reports you've recently generated.