Managing event scripts

Contact center admins can add and edit event scripts in the Start widget. This allows you to create scripts and associate them with an engagement event. For example, you can run a custom script for when an agent saves a disposition.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for managing event scripts

Events and associated channels

The following events can be set in the Start widget.

EventDescriptionChannels that the event is available for
Engagement acceptedWhen an agent accepts the call.voice, video
Engagement assignedWhen an agent accepts an SMS or chat engagement.SMS, web chat, in-app chat
Engagement closedAn engagement has closed. For example, the agent or consumer has ended/left the video or voice call.voice, video, SMS, web chat, in-app chat
Engagement recording started
Recording for the engagement has started.voice
Engagement recording endedRecording for the engagement has ended.voice
Engagement transcription startedTranscription for the engagement has started.voice
Engagement transcription endedTranscription for the engagement has ended.voice
Engagement startedAn engagement starts in the flow.voice
Engagement transferred An engagement is transferred to another agent.voice, video, SMS, web chat, in-app chat
Disposition savedAn agent saved a disposition.voice, video, SMS, web chat, in-app chat
Voicemail saved
Consumer leaves voicemail for the engagement.voice

How to add an event script

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Flows.
  3. Click a flow's display name to edit it.
  4. Select the Start widget.
    The flow editor will display a right-side panel with the widget settings.
  5. Click Add Event Script.
  6. In the Event drop-down menu, select an event. There are different events depending on the channel of the flow.
  7. Next to Script, click Add Script, then specify these options:
    • Name: Enter a display name to help identify the script.
    • Language: Select the scripting language.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Enter the input parameters and click Run to test the script.
  10. Click Close.

How to edit or delete an event script

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Flows.
  3. Click a flow's display name to edit it.
  4. Select the Start widget.
    The flow editor will display a right-side panel with the widget settings.
  5. In the right-side panel, locate the event script you want to edit or delete.
  6. Click one these options for an event script:
    • Pencil icon : Edit the script.
    • Cross icon : Delete the script.

How to use variables in an event script

Refer to the Script widget support article for more information on using variables.


Enter the following script in the Script widget to setting the caseID variable when an engagement is accepted by an agent.

let caseID = var_get()["engagement_accepted.caseID"];

Special Event Variables

The variables below are available to extract the agent information and include these variables in an event script. This can enable functionality such as triggering an HTTP call when an agent receives a new engagement.

  let agentName = var_get()["agentName"]; // This is the name of the agent involved
  in the engagement
  let agentEmail = var_get()["agentEmail"]; // This is the email of the agent involved
  in the engagement