Managing consumer routing profiles
Consumer routing profiles allow admins to configure how customers are routed based on customer attributes like whether they're a new or returning customer. Consumer routing happens before agent routing.
This article covers:
Prerequisites for managing consumer routing profiles
- Account owner or admin privileges
- Pro, Business, or Education account
- Zoom Contact Center license
Types of consumer routing methods
First in, first out (FIFO)
By default, Zoom Contact Center uses a FIFO consumer routing method. This means consumers are routed based on the time they entered the queue. Consumers that enter earlier are routed to an agent earlier. Customers are not prioritized in any way.
Top Priority
Top Priority prioritizes specific customers based on attributes like if they are a new or returning consumer. For example, you can configure a consumer routing profile so that new customers are prioritized.
Accumulating Priority
Accumulating Priority prioritizes consumers based on their time waiting in the queue. Consumers accumulate priority while waiting in the queue, so consumers in the queue longer will be prioritized. Accumulating Priority is used together with Top Priority, meaning you can configure certain consumers to accumulate priority at a high rate, while consumers with Top Priority still have higher priority.
- When an agent is assigned to multiple queues with a consumer routing profile, priority customers will be served first. Same Priority customers will be served using FIFO.
- If 2 customers have the same weight within the same queue at time of service, priorities are based on highest priority and round robin.
How to create a routing profile
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Routing Profile.
- Click the Consumer tab.
- Click Add Consumer Profile.
- Enter the following information:
Name: Enter a display name to help identify the routing profile.
Description (optional): Enter a description.
- Click Save.
The new routing profile will be added to the Routing Profile page.
How to configure Top Priority routing
Repeat these steps to add priorities to a routing profile.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Routing Profile.
- Click the Consumer tab.
- Click the display name of the routing profile you want to edit.
- Under Top Priority, click Add Priority.
- Specify the Attribute and Parameters for the priority.
- (Optional) Follow steps 5 and 6 to add more priorities.
- (Optional) Rearrange the priorities.
- Click Save.
How to configure Accumulating Priority routing
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Routing Profile.
- Click the Consumer tab.
- Click the display name of the routing profile you want to edit.
- Under Accumulating Priority, click Add Priority.
- Specify the following options for the priority:
Rating: Specify a rating from 1 to 100. The same rating value can be used for different attributes. A rating of 10 is assigned to all unspecified consumers who do not match other accumulated priority attributes. A higher rating means the associated consumer group will accumulate priority at a faster rate.
- Specify the Attribute and Parameters for the priority.
- (Optional) Follow steps 5 and 6 to add more priorities.
- (Optional) Rearrange the priorities.
- Click Save.
Attributes and parameters
You can specify the following attribute and parameters for Top Priority and Accumulating Priority routing.
Note: Attributes can't be duplicated across Top Priority and Accumulating Priority routing. For example, if you added the New customers attribute to Top Priority, you can't add it to Accumulating Priority.
Attribute | Parameters |
Address book contacts: Prioritize consumers that have been added to an address book.
Select the address book units or address books to prioritize.
Entrance into the queue: Prioritize consumers that have entered the queue during a specific time period.
Select the time period and time zone.
New customers: Prioritize consumers that haven't started an engagement before.
No parameters
Returning customers: Prioritize consumers that started an engagement with the specified number of minutes, hours, or days.
Engaged within the last: Select minute(s), hour(s), or day(s), then enter a value for the parameter. |
Release to queue: Prioritize engagements are that are released back into the same queue. This attribute only works for chat and SMS where agents have the ability to release an engagement back into the same queue.
| Select queues that will get their engagements prioritized for engagement that are released. |
Skills: Prioritize consumers based on the associated skills being used to route them to an agent.
| Select the skill category and skills. |
Custom Attribute: Prioritize consumers based on custom variables.
Select a custom global or address book variable.
- If you select a global variable, specify the condition and value.
- If you select an address book variable, specify the value and address book unit.
How to rearrange or delete priorities
You can rearrange and delete priorities to overall proficiency priority level. The higher-ranking priorities will take precedence over those with lower priority.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Routing Profile.
- Click the Consumer tab.
- Click the display name of the routing profile you want to edit.
- Locate a condition or priority you want to rearrange.
- Use these options to rearrange or delete::
- Hover over the six dots icon then click and drag the condition or priority to a new location.
- Alternatively, click the up or down arrows to move a condition or priority higher or lower in the list.
- Click the trash bin icon to delete a priority,
- Click Save.
How to edit or delete a routing profile
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Routing Profile.
- Click the Consumer tab.
- Click the display name of the routing profile you want to edit.
- In the last column, click the ellipses icon , then click one of these options:
Edit: Edit the routing profile’s display name and priorities.
Delete: Delete the routing profile and remove it from any queues (if applicable).
Note: To delete several profiles at once, select the check boxes beside the Name column, then click Deleted Selected at the top of the table.