Debugging a flow

Contact center admins can debug a flow in order to test the flow and troubleshooting errors, like customers not connecting. While a flow is in a debug status, you can start a test engagement so the debug tool can generate a log of events. For example, if you're debugging a voice flow, place a call to the voice flow's entry point (phone number). The debug log will show events like when the call was started, how the call was routed, and any inputs entered by the caller.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for debugging a flow 

How to debug a flow

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Flows.
  3. Locate a flow you want to edit, then click the flow's display name to open the flow editor.
    Note: The flow can be in Draft or Published status.
  4. In the top-right corner, click the ellipses icon , then click Debug.
    The flow will be placed in a Debug status. You can view your flows' statuses by viewing your flows. You can view the status of a specific flow in the top-left corner of the flow editor.
  5. Make a test engagement to the flow. For example, for voice flows, place a test call to the flow and test different features (if applicable) like inputting digits.
  6. Go back to the flow editor for the flow you're debugging.
  7. Click the debug icon to view the debug log.
  8. (Optional) In the top-right corner of the debug log, use these options:
  9. In the top-right corner of the flow editor, click the ellipses icon then Exit Debug to exit debug mode.
    Note: The debug will be cleared when you exit debug mode.

Information in the debug log

The debug log contains the following columns: