Our conversational intelligence capabilities within Zoom products include the Zoom Revenue Accelerator add-on. Zoom Revenue Accelerator uses machine-learning algorithms to transform customer interactions into valuable insights for identifying opportunities, assessing risks, and ultimately enabling and improving sales team performance.
Your Revenue Accelerator admin is responsible for setting up your Zoom Revenue Accelerator license and access.
Zoom Revenue Accelerator is available for Zoom Meetings and Zoom Phone and is accessible on both the Zoom web portal and Zoom desktop client. It supports multiple languages in addition to English, has a dashboard that shows your performance over time and metrics across all your meetings, lets you gain insights into the meeting with the help of Summary and Smart Chapters, and supports CRM integration.
Learn more about Zoom Revenue Accelerator features.
Zoom Revenue Accelerator has the following limitations:
You can access Zoom Revenue Accelerator through the Zoom web portal or the Zoom desktop client.
The Zoom Revenue Accelerator Dashboard shows your performance over time and metrics across all your meetings. If you are managing a team, you can review your team’s overall performance in meetings and identify coaching opportunities to help your team members be more successful. If you are a Sales representative, you can customize your dashboard to get an aggregated view of all of your conversations to learn which questions and topics were most engaging, assess meeting outcomes, and properly follow up on each call with highlighted next steps.
Meetings recorded and analyzed with Zoom Revenue Accelerator will appear to you as Conversations.
The full Conversation page contains the following:
The recording playback has typical controls, such as play/pause, volume, speed control, and full-screen mode. Below the recording playback is a visual breakdown of each participant’s speaking through the meeting and the percentages of each participant. This can help you see who spoke more during certain parts of the conversation and jump directly to those sections with a click.
Note: Zoom Revenue Accelerator recordings follow the data retention policies of the Zoom account. If your account owner or admins are configured to delete Zoom recordings automatically after a period of time, then the recordings will be removed from Zoom Revenue Accelerator as well.
The Zoom Revenue Accelerator Deals page is where the sales aspect comes into play. It provides a view of your sales pipeline, enabling you to track deals in one place, identify and prioritize deals, organize them by stage, and track them through each stage of the sales process. You can integrate with Customer relationship management (CRM) to bring in deals and opportunity information like deal size and activity time.
If you jump into a particular opportunity/customer account, you will see all info about the account, and timeline of all activities that are being held, and the stage of the sales process those activities are in.
Zoom Revenue Accelerator supports sales coaching for new sales representative onboarding and experienced sales representative improvements.
If you are a Sales Supervisor or someone who has Scorecard Management permission, you can create and manage scorecards to rate conversations.
The Analytics page provides valuable insights into how your sales team engages with clients during Zoom meetings. The page displays conversations analytics, deals analytics, indicators, and Revenue Accelerator Usage.
As a Sales Manager, you can identify which sales representative might need coaching/advice/training to make sure they are performing well.
Each sales representative can review the outcome of meetings and deals progress and compare them with their members to get insights on which area they need to improve to succeed. Also, the sales representatives can learn from other team members’ meetings to learn meeting skills, domain knowledge, and other necessary skills to close more deals. They can directly communicate with their team members or managers to dive deep into a specific case.
The Teams page displays analytics breakdowns for various groups to facilitate better data reporting across the organization.
If you are a Sales Supervisor role or someone with Team Management permission, you can easily manage teams and their members.