Managing the Zoom Contact Center asset library

Contact center admins can add content to the asset library. The asset library allows you to upload images, video, and audio for use in other Zoom Contact Center features. For example, you can upload an audio greeting and assign it a Send Media widget so that it plays before routing to a voicemail inbox.

If you're near or at your cloud storage limit, see recommendations on managing Zoom Contact Center cloud storage usage.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for managing the asset library

How to view the asset library

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Asset Library.
    You will see the following information:
    • Name:  The internal display name of the asset.
    • Description: The internal description of the asset.
    • Modified by: The display name of the last user to modify the asset.
    • Last Modified: The associated date and time that the asset was last edited.
    • Used in: The queues, flows, inboxes, preferences, or Waiting Rooms the asset is currently used in.
    • Languages (only applies to audio assets): The languages assigned to audio files. Each audio asset can contain multiple audio files for different languages. You can set the engagement language to play corresponding audio file for consumers.

How to add or edit text-to-speech audio

You can add or text audio by entering text to be converted to audio. Various languages are supported.

Note: Each text-to-speech audio asset can only contain one language. Add or edit audio files to have multiple languages in one audio asset; then you can set the engagement language to play corresponding audio file for consumers.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Asset Library.
  3. Click Add then Audio. To edit an existing asset, locate a text-to-speech audio asset, click the ellipses icon  in the last column, then click Edit.
  4. Click the Text to speech tab.
  5. Specify the following: 
    • Asset Name: Enter an internal display name for the audio asset. 
    • Description: Enter an internal description for the audio asset.
    • Select a voice: Select a language and voice for the text-to-speech engine.
    • Message to Play: Enter text to convert to speech. Click Play to play the audio.
  6. Click Add or Save.
    If you're updating an asset that's already in use, you will see a pop-up notification that lists where the asset is used. Click Save to confirm the update.

How to add or edit an audio file

You can upload an existing audio file from your computer.

Note: Each audio asset can contain multiple audio files for different languages. You can set the engagement language to play corresponding audio file for consumers.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Asset Library.
  3. Click Add then Audio. To edit an existing asset, locate an uploaded audio asset, click the ellipses icon  in the last column, then click Edit.
  4. Click the Upload tab.
  5. Specify the following: 
    • Asset Name: Enter an internal display name for the audio asset.
    • Description: Enter an internal description for the audio asset.
  6. In the Audio File(s) section, click Upload Audio File then specify the following:
      • File Name: Enter a display name for the file.
      • Language: Select the language of the file. 
      • Upload Audio: Click Upload and select the audio file to upload. If editing an existing audio asset, click Reupload to upload a new file.
  7. (Optional) Repeat step 6 to add more files for different languages in the same audio asset.
  8. Click Add or Save.
    If you're updating an asset that's already in use, you will see a pop-up notification that lists where the asset is used. Click Save to confirm the update.

How to add or edit an audio file recorded from your web browser

You can use your computer’s microphone to record audio then add it to the asset library. 

Note: Each audio asset can contain multiple audio files for different languages. You can set the engagement language to play corresponding audio file for consumers.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Asset Library.
  3. Click Add then Audio. To edit an existing asset, locate a computer-recorded audio asset, click the ellipses icon  in the last column, then click Edit.
  4. Click the Record by Computer tab.
    Note: You will be prompted by your browser to allow Zoom to record audio, accept/allow the request to continue.
  5. Specify the following:  
    • Asset Name: Enter an internal display name for the audio asset.
    • Description: Enter an internal description for the audio asset.
  6. Click Record Audio. Click Add Audio Recording if you're editing an existing audio assets and you already added audio files.
  7. Use these options to control the recording:
    • Click red record icon to start recording audio.
    • Click the pause icon to pause the recording.
    • Click the stop icon to stop and save recording.
  8. Click one of these options after recording (optional):
      • Play icon : Play the audio you recorded.
      • Rerecord Again: Rerecord if you are not happy with the result.
  9. Specify the following:  
    • File Name: Enter a file name for this specific audio file.
    • Language: Select the language of this specific audio file. 
  10. Click Continue.
    The audio file will be added to the list of files that belong the audio asset.
  11. (Optional) Repeat steps 6 to 10 to add more audio files to the audio asset.
  12. Click Add or Save.
    If you're updating an asset that's already in use, you will see a pop-up notification that lists where the asset is used. Click Save to confirm the update.

How to add or edit an image

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Asset Library.
  3. Click Add then Image. To edit an existing asset, locate a image asset, click the ellipses icon  in the last column, then click Edit.
  4. Specify the following information:
    • Asset Name: Enter an internal display name for the image.
    • Description: Enter an internal description for the image.
    • Upload Image:
      • If adding a new image, click Upload and select the image.
      • If editing an existing image, click Reupload to change the image.
  5. Click Add or Save.
    If you're updating an asset that's already in use, you will see a pop-up notification that lists where the asset is used. Click Save to confirm the update.

How to add or edit a video

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Asset Library.
  3. Click Add then Video. To edit an existing asset, locate a video asset, click the ellipses icon  in the last column, then click Edit.
  4. Specify the following information:
    • Asset Name: Enter an internal display name for the video.
    • Description: Enter an internal description for the video.
    • Upload Video:
      • If adding a new video, click Upload and select the video.
      • If editing an existing video, click Reupload to change the video.
  5. Click Add or Save.
    If you're updating an asset that's already in use, you will see a pop-up notification that lists where the asset is used. Click Save to confirm the update.

How to add or edit a script

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Asset Library.
  3. Click Add then Script. To edit an existing asset, locate a script asset, click the ellipses icon  in the last column, then click Edit.
  4. Specify the following information:
    • Asset Name: Enter an internal display name for the script.
    • Description: Enter an internal description for the script.
    • Upload Script:
      • If adding a new image, click Upload and select the script file.
      • If editing an existing image, click Reupload to change the script file.
  5. Click Add or Save.
    If you're updating an asset that's already in use, you will see a pop-up notification that lists where the asset is used. Click Save to confirm the update.

How to add or edit slides

Slides are PDFs that can contain a series of pages or slides to display to consumers. Consumers will be able to moved to the next/previous slide when slides are displayed during an engagement.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Asset Library.
  3. Click Add then Slides. To edit an existing asset, locate a video asset, click the ellipses icon  in the last column, then click Edit.
  4. Specify the following information:
    • Asset Name: Enter an internal display name for the slides.
    • Description: Enter an internal description for the slides.
    • Upload Slides:
      • If adding a new PDF, click Upload and select the PDF.
      • If editing an existing PDF, click Reupload to change the PDF.
  5. Click Add or Save.
    If you're updating an asset that's already in use, you will see a pop-up notification that lists where the asset is used. Click Save to confirm the update.

How to archive assets

You can archive assets to move them an Archived state, where you can restore them to the asset library for up to 30 days. Archived assets will be permanently deleted after 30 days. 

Note: You can't archive assets that are currently in use. When attempting to delete, you will see a pop-up notification that lists where the asset is used.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Asset Library.
  3. Follow one of these methods to delete:
    • To archive multiple assets at a time, select the check boxes to select assets, then click Archive at the top of the table.
    • To archive a single asset, click the ellipses icon in the last column, then click Archive.

How to restore or permanently delete assets

You can permanently delete assets that have been archived.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Asset Library.
  3. Follow one of these methods to delete:
    • To restore or delete multiple assets at a time, select the check boxes to select assets, then click Restore to Library or Delete Permanently at the top of the table.
    • To restore or delete a single asset, click the ellipses icon in the last column, then click Restore to Library or Delete Permanently.