Using the Profile tab for Zoom Contact Center
Zoom Contact Center agents and supervisors can use the Profile tab in the Zoom desktop client to view consumer information for an active or completed engagement. This information is based on their caller ID number for voice engagements. If the customer hasn’t been added to the address book by an agent or admin, you will see general information like their caller ID number. If the caller was added to the address book by an agent or admin, you may see additional information like the customer's display name. You can also configure variables to display in the Profile tab.
After opening the Profile tab , you can hover over the left-side border, then click and drag to re-size the panel. You can also add contacts using the Profile tab.
This article covers:
Prerequisites for using the Profile tab
- Zoom desktop client for Windows or macOS, 5.14.5 or higher
- Pro, Business, or Education account
- Zoom Contact Center license
How to access the Profile tab
- Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.
- Click the Contact Center tab.
- Follow one of these options:
- In the right-side panel, click the Profile tab .
The information you see depends on the type of engagement. - (Optional) Hover over the left-side border, then click and drag to re-size the panel.
Information and controls in the Profile tab
All engagements
The following information is displayed for all engagements:
Voice and SMS engagements
You will see the following controls and information when viewing the Profile tab for voice or SMS engagements.
Controls when in an active engagement
- SMS: This option is only available when you're in an active voice engagement. Start a new SMS engagement with the consumer. The current voice engagement will continue to be active. You can switch active engagements using the left-side panel.
- Call: This option is only available when you're in an active SMS engagement. Start a new voice engagement with the consumer. The current SMS engagement will continue to be active. You can switch active engagements using the left-side panel.
Profile information when the caller ID number doesn’t exist in the address book
If the caller hasn’t been added to the address book by an agent or admin, you will see the caller ID number in the following format (also known as E.164 format):
- Country code (preceded by plus sign)
- Area code
- Phone number
Profile information when the caller ID number exists as an address book contact
If the caller was added to the address book by an agent or admin, you will see the address book fields that have been filled out for the contact and the corresponding value. Click the ellipses icon then click Edit Contact to change the contact’s information.
Video engagements
- Display name:
- If the consumer started the video engagement from a website, it displays a generic Consumer display name by default.
- If the consumer started the video engagement from a Zoom Rooms kiosk integrated with Zoom Contact Center, it displays the display name of the Zoom Rooms kiosk.
- Consumer ID: The unique identifier of the consumer.
Web chat and in-app chat engagements
- Display name: The display name that the consumer entered to start the chat engagement.
- Consumer ID: The unique identifier of the consumer.
Facebook Messenger engagements
- The consumer’s Facebook profile picture (if available).
- Display name: The consumer’s Facebook display name (if available).
- System Variables section: Display information from the consumer’s Facebook profile, like their first name and last name.