Troubleshooting VDI plugin installation

The following information can help you troubleshoot and resolve common issues with Citrix Receiver, VMware Horizon Client, or Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD). This article can also help you confirm the reason installation may not work for some users.

Table of Contents

How to troubleshoot common issues with Citrix Receiver, VMware Horizon Client, and AVD Plugin

Applications still running error

Issue: You receive a dialog box from the Zoom Plugin for Citrix Receiver/VMware Horizon Client with the error message: Citrix Receiver/VMware Horizon Client is running. Please close it to continue to install Zoom Plugin for Citrix Receiver/VMware Horizon Client. A possible cause for this issue is that Citrix Receiver or VMware Horizon Client is still running during the installation.


Installation to different version error

Issue: The installation to a different version does not work. In standard (not quiet mode) installation, you receive a dialog box from the Zoom Plugin for Citrix Receiver/VMware Horizon Client with the error message: Unable to install because a newer version of the product is already installed.


Copy files error

Issue: Installing the VDI plugin does not work on Windows Thin Client. During the VDI plugin installation, the installation is rolled back and you receive a dialog box from the Zoom Plugin for Citrix Receiver/VMware Horizon Client with the following error message: An error occurred while copying files and the installation could not be completed.

Suggestion: To troubleshoot the possible cause of this issue, follow the below troubleshooting steps, based on the Thin Client platform (Citrix/VMware).
Note: These troubleshooting steps follow the logic that the installer uses to install our product.

Troubleshoot Citrix Workspace/Receiver

Confirm Citrix Workspace/Receiver installation

Our installer requires an existing install folder of Citrix Workspace/Receiver on the system because our binary files must be directly copied into this folder.
Note: Make sure that the Workspace/Receiver is installed on the system and it is not a UWP/Microsoft Store version. For more information about the differences between versions, see How to Detect Citrix Receiver for Windows Edition (Store or Manual Install)?.

Check if the installer successfully copied files

By default, Zoom Citrix plugin binaries are copied to the installation directory below:

To confirm if the plugin installation was successful:

  1. Under the above install folder, check all binary files (files ending in .dll and .exe) to see if the dates under the Date Modified column are more or less than a few hours apart (versus days, for example).
  2. If the dates are more than a few days apart, there could have been a corrupted installation or manually modified files by a user (which will require uninstall/reinstall to fix).

Files under ZoomCitrixHDXMediaPlugin\Plugin are plugin files (zoommedia.dll, cmmlib.dll, libcrypto-1_1.dll, util.dll) and should have a similar Date Modified column to the files in the parent folder. These files must be copied to the Citrix Receiver installation path, which is found by checking the registry key value “InstallFolder" under HKLM or HKCU\SOFTWARE\Citrix\Install\ICA Client.

Alternatively, while Citrix Receiver is running, you can get the install path by using Task Manager:

  1. Press the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys to open Task Manager.
  2. Click the Details tab.
  3. Find wfica32.exe.
  4. Right-click wfica32.exe and select Open File Location from the dropdown menu.

Check plugin registration

To confirm plugin registration, launch Registry Editor (regedit.exe). Ensure that the following registry key paths and values display the following data below:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Configuration\Advanced\Modules\ICA 3.0]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Configuration\Advanced\Modules\ZoomCitrixMediaPlugin]
"ZoomPath"="C:\Program Files (x86)\ZoomCitrixHDXMediaPlugin" 

Citrix Plugin Connection Failure

Citrix ICA policies include an option to control if applications are allowed to allocate a virtual channel. Starting with Citrix VDA 2109, the default virtual channel allow list policy changed from “Enabled” to “Disabled”. To learn more about this change please refer to the article Configuring the Citrix virtual channel allow list policy.

Troubleshoot VMWare Horizon Client

Confirm VMware Horizon client installation

Our installer requires the VMware Horizon Client to be installed because our binary files must be directly copied into this folder. The installer looks for the VMware Horizon install folder path, using the registry key value below.

Ensure that this key exists on the Thin Client and the data for InstallPath points to an existing folder: HKLM\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\RemoteExperienceAgent

Check if the installer successfully copied files

By default, Zoom VMware plugin binaries are copied to the installation directory below:

To confirm if the plugin installation was successful:

  1. Under the above install folder, check all binary files (files ending in .dll and .exe) to see if the dates under the Date Modified column are more or less than a few hours apart (versus days, for example).
  2. If the dates are more than a few days apart, there could have been a corrupted installation or manually modified files by a user (which will require uninstall/reinstall to fix).

Files under ZoomVmwareMediaPlugin\Plugin (32-bit) and ZoomVmwareMediaPlugin\x64 (64-bit) are the plugin install files that we copy into the VMware Horizon install folder, which is found by checking the reg key HKLM\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\RemoteExperienceAgent and opening the file path shown under InstallPath.

Check plugin registration

To confirm plugin registration, launch Registry Editor (regedit.exe). Ensure that the following registry key paths and values display the following data below (default path shown below for example):

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDPService\Plugins\ZoomMedia]
"dll" = "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Horizon View Client\x64\ZoomMediaForHorizon.dll"
"ZoomPath"="C:\Program Files (x86)\ZoomVmwareMediaPlugin"

VMware Plugin Connection Failure

Zoom recommends using VMware connection protocols for the Horizon client. Thin clients running Linux may allow specifying PCoIP as the connection protocol for VMware Horizon. The version of PCoIP provided with the operating system, however, may not support the virtual channels required to connect to the Zoom VDI Plugin. If the VDI Plugin is not connecting, switch the connection protocol the VMware Blast protocol.

Troubleshoot AVD plugin

To confirm plugin registration, launch Registry Editor (regedit.exe). Ensure that the following registry key paths and values display the following data below (default path shown below for example):

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default\AddIns\ZoomWVD]
"name" = "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZoomWVDMediaPlugin\x64\ZoomMediaWVD.dll"
"zoompath" = "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZoomWVDMediaPlugin\"

How to gather installer logs

For further troubleshooting, we may request logs from the plugin or VDI Client installers. Zoom VDI Plugin 5.7.0 and higher Windows plugins support MSI installer logging.

To gather installer logs:

  1. As an administrator, launch the command prompt and run the following command:
    msiexec /i %MSI_FILE_PATH% /L*V %LOG_FILE_OUTPUT%
  2. Replace the %LOG_FILE_OUTPUT% with a log file name (ending in .txt).
  3. Replace %MSI_FILE_PATH% with the path to the installer. For example:
    msiexec /i ZoomWVDMediaPlugin.msi /L*V .\log.txt