Requesting Native Zoom Phone numbers

Zoom Phone offers native phone numbers globally through a self-service process via the Zoom web portal.

This article covers:

Notes :

Prerequisites for a new number request

How to request a native Zoom Phone number using the self-service Web portal process

  1. Sign into the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management, then Phone Numbers.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter the required information:
    • Target Site (only visible if you have multiple sites): Select the site you want to obtain phone numbers for.
    • Country/Region: Select the country or region to search for available phone numbers.
      Note: Some countries require additional documents to proceed. See the list of country requirements here.
    • Select the type of phone number you want to obtain: Toll (for local) or Toll-free.
      Note: If ordering phone numbers for Australia or the United Kingdom, you will also have the option to select Mobile if you wish to use the SMS feature.
    • Select Reserved Numbers Only if you have an existing number under reserved and want to search and add only your reserved numbers.
    • State/Province/Territory: Select the state, province, or territory from the drop-down menu to view associated area codes.
    • Area Code - City: Enter an area code or city to search area codes or cities in the selected state/province/territory. Alternatively, select an area code or city using the drop-down menu.
  5. (Optional) Click Advanced to use the following advanced search features:
    • Check Sequential to sort available numbers sequentially.
    • Use the text box beside the area code to search available numbers by prefix. The prefix contains numbers after the area code.
  6. Click Search Numbers.
    Note: If there are no numbers available, click Create Ticket and Zoom will fulfill your request.
  7. Select the phone numbers you want to obtain or click the Select All check box to select all phone numbers in the search results.
    Note: Only 15 numbers will be displayed at a time during your selection.
  8. Click Confirm.

How to request a native Zoom Phone number via a ticket

The page to create a request to obtain phone numbers will appear if there are no phone numbers available through the self-service process, which means we don't have numbers available in our inventory. Enter the following information:

Note: Some countries require documentation and a valid address to order new numbers.

  1. Quantity: Type the quantities of numbers you would like to order.
  2. (Optional) Notes: Type any special requests or instructions.
  3. Emergency Address: Select the address associated with your KYC (Know Your Customer) or emergency contact service or click Manage.
    • This page also serves as the KYC (Know Your Customer) page of Zoom.
    • Zoom Phone provides full PSTN with emergency service, this page cannot be bypassed.
  4. Click Submit.