Navigating the Zoom billing portal

Learn how to access and efficiently manage your Zoom subscription in the billing portal, where you can handle tasks including viewing or renewing your subscription, upgrading your account, canceling a plan, paying an invoice, and more.

Note: Zoom is making updates to the billing portal and rolling it out to certain customers over time, so the location of your billing information in the Zoom web portal may be in a different location. We are implementing instructions on billing-related articles with different steps based on the billing portal location.

Requirements for accessing billing management

Table of Contents

How to access Zoom billing information and settings

  1. Access your billing information by visiting the Zoom billing portal.
    By clicking this link, you will be prompted to sign in (if not already) and brought directly to the billing portal.
  2. Once in the billing portal, identify where your billing settings are located in the left navigation menu. Billing settings will be under one of the following sections:

Note: All free customers and customers who purchased their account online will have the Plans and Billing option.

The following image shows the difference between billing setting locations in the web portal. The left side of the image shows Plans and Billing, and the right side of the image shows Billing under Account Management.

In the following sections, learn more about the billing options available to you.

Billing portal under Plans and Billing

If your billing portal is found under Plans and Billing in the left navigation menu, follow these steps. Not sure where your billing portal is located? Learn how to locate your billing settings.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Plans and Billing, then click one of the following options:
    • Plan Management: View a summary of your plan, upgrade, or cancel a subscription.
    • Billing Management: Update contact and address information, view or change your payment method, add a backup payment method, and update tax exemption status.
    • Payment History: Make a payment, or view, search, and download invoice history.

Note: If you have a free account, you may not see all of these options as they are relevant to paid accounts.

Billing portal under Account Management

If your billing portal is found under Account Management in the left navigation menu, follow these steps. Not sure where your billing portal is located? Learn how to locate your billing settings.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Billing.
  3. At the top, click one of the following options:
    • Current Plans: View your current plan details, upgrade, or cancel a subscription.
    • Pending Plans: View any pending changes, such as cancelations or activations.
    • Billing Information: View or edit your billing contact information, configure payment methods, and more.
    • Invoice History: View a historical record of your Zoom invoices, where you can export or pay.
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Not sure where to start?
Our billing and account management hub is designed to assist you in completing the most common billing and account management tasks.
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