How to enable Zoom Mesh

While the Zoom Mesh service for Zoom Webinars and Zoom Events, is an automated self-managing service, it will still need to be enabled by an account admin before being utilized. Once enabled, the admins will not need to take any further action for their users to use the Mesh service as long as the Mesh service is configured to best fit their organization's needs.

In addition, you can also allow attendees outside of your network to utilize Zoom Mesh, and manage whether users within the account can utilize Mesh when joining Zoom Webinars and Zoom Events hosted by other accounts. 

This article covers:

Prerequisites for enabling Zoom Mesh

How to enable Zoom Mesh

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Advanced then Zoom Mesh.
  3. Click the Settings tab.
  4. Enable Mesh when joining webinars and events.
  5. The following options will be available for configuring:
  6. Click Save.
    Once enabled, the Zoom Mesh service will automatically assign parents and children when joining a webinar or event. 

How to configure the Zoom Mesh 

Once Zoom Mesh has been enabled, the Mesh service will automatically be used for all devices connecting to a webinar or event from within an organization’s environment. Parent and children devices will automatically be provisioned based on the assessment of the network by Zoom Mesh. However, configuring the Zoom Mesh service allows admins to control how and where Mesh is utilized, how parents and children are provisioned, and the level of automated network optimization used by the Mesh service. Click below for more information on how to manage Zoom Mesh: