Managing cloud recording usage limits

If you receive a notification that cloud recording is unavailable, your account may have reached its cloud recording storage capacity. If your account reaches the limit, you cannot record any additional meetings or webinars to the cloud, but you will still have full access to your existing recordings.

There are several options available to manage the usage, such as download or delete existing files, record to your local device instead of the cloud, purchase additional storage, and adjust account settings.

Billing admins will receive email notifications when usage is almost full and again when the limit is reached. Users will see notifications in the Zoom client that cloud recording is disabled once the account has used up all the available cloud storage space.


This article covers:

Prerequisites for managing cloud recording storage

Note: Enterprise accounts have unlimited cloud storage and are therefore not impacted by cloud recording storage limits, however, users still have access to these features for managing their cloud recordings, such as reporting, downloading, and configuring settings.

How to generate reports to view cloud recording usage and storage allotment 

Generate a report for key metrics on cloud recordings

You can view a report on key information for specific cloud recordings, such as their file size, total views, total downloads, and when they were last accessed. This can help you determine which recordings may be appropriate to delete.

  1. Do one of the following in the Zoom web portal depending on your role:
  2. Filter your search settings, such as a date range or topic.

    Note: If you’re an account owner or admin, you can also set your search to filter by a specific host.

  3. In the top-right corner, click Export.
    A CSV file of the report will be generated.

Generate a report for users with highest cloud recording usage

Admins and users with permissions can generate the Cloud Recording usage report in the Zoom web portal to see which users on the account are using the most storage and view the rate of cloud recording increase. This reporting is also available via API.

Additionally, when you access the Cloud Recording usage report, your available storage is noted at the top.

How to resolve cloud recording storage limits

Download cloud recordings

You can download individual cloud recordings in the Zoom web portal, then delete them once they are saved locally.

  1. Do one of the following in the Zoom web portal depending on your role:
  2. Click on a specific recording.
  3. Click Download.

Delete cloud recordings

You can bulk delete all cloud recordings in your account, all recordings in search results, or recordings for a specific meeting. Learn how to delete cloud recordings.

Note: If you are not an account admin, you may not be able to delete enough personal cloud recordings to get below the storage limit.

Purchase additional storage

Billing admins can purchase additional cloud recording storage if the account has reached the limit. Learn more about cloud recording storage capacities and costs for additional storage.

Use an app from the Zoom Marketplace

You may also download or delete recordings via API, or search the Zoom Marketplace for apps to help you manage cloud recordings.

How to manage the amount of cloud recording storage used

The following suggestions may help you manage how much cloud recording storage is used: