Inbound call notifications for the Zoom app and Zoom Web App

If you use the Zoom desktop app, mobile app, or Zoom Web App to receive calls, Zoom displays caller information to help you identify how the caller was routed to your number (for example, direct number, company number, or call queue).

The following sections explain common scenarios and what's displayed in the Zoom Phone inbound call notification.


Requirements for inbound call notifications

Note: To display items marked with an asterisk * in the following tables, your Zoom Phone admin must enable a policy setting.

Limitations for Zoom Web App

The Zoom Zoom Web App does not support the following phone features:

Table of Contents

Common to all scenarios: caller's name and number

All inbound call notifications display the caller's name and number. The name and number will vary based on if the caller is internal or external:

ScenarioWhat's displayed in the inbound call notification
External caller

Internal Zoom Phone user in the same account


External Zoom Phone that been added to contacts

External Zoom Phone user

Note: If the phone number is in a synced contact, the synced contact's name will override the caller's caller ID name or Zoom profile name.

Direct phone number or main company number

ScenarioWhat's displayed in the inbound call notificationCall notification buttons
Caller dials your direct phone number
  • Accept
  • Decline
Caller is routed by an internal auto receptionist or IVR (this includes the scenario when a caller dials the main company number and dials your extension number)
  • Caller's name and number
  • forward from followed by the display name of the auto receptionist and its extension number*
  • to You followed by your extension number
  • Accept
  • Decline

Call queue

ScenarioWhat's displayed in the inbound call notificationCall notification buttons

Caller is routed by a call queue you're a member of

(see note A)

  • Caller's name and number
  • forward from followed by the display name of the call queue and its extension number*
  • to You followed by your extension number
  • Accept
  • Decline
  • Skip: Dismiss the notification. The queue will attempt to reach other members.

Caller is routed by a call queue you're a member of while you're busy on a call

(see note B)

  • Caller's name and number
  • forward from followed by the display name of the call queue and its extension number*
  • to You followed by your extension number
  • End & Accept: Hang up the current call and answer the inbound call.
  • Skip: Dismiss the notification. The queue will attempt to reach other members.
  • Hold & Accept: Place the current call on hold and answer the inbound call.

Note (A)

Note (B): If you're currently busy on a call, you may or may not see inbound call notifications from your call queues. This behavior is determined by your admin. Contact your admin for more details.

Transferred calls

ScenarioWhat's displayed in the inbound call notificationCall notification buttons
External caller (or external Zoom Phone user) blind transfers a call to you
  • The caller ID name and number of user doing the transfer
    Note: The caller ID of the user being transferred is not displayed.
  • to You followed by your extension number
  • Accept
  • Decline
Internal Zoom Phone user blind transfers a call to you
  • The caller ID name and number of user being transferred
  • forward from followed by the display name of the phone user doing the transfer and their extension number*
  • to You followed by your extension number
  • Accept
  • Decline
Caller warm transfer a call to you (meaning they call you before completing the transfer)
  • Caller's name and number
  • to You followed by your extension number (if the caller is internal) or direct phone number (if the caller is external)
  • Accept
  • Decline

Synced contact

If you synced your contacts, the caller's name and number appear as you specified in your third-party contacts directory. This will override the caller's caller ID name and number. If you added an internal Zoom Phone user to your third-party contacts service, the name you specified in your third-party service will override the user's display name.

Note: Synced contacts are currently not supported on Linux, Zoom Web App, Android, and iOS. If you're using the Zoom mobile app and enabled phone contacts matching, the name in your phone's default contacts app will display instead of the caller's caller ID name.

Busy on a call

If you're currently on a call and there's an inbound call, the call notification displays these options:

Note: You will not receive call notifications from call queues if you're currently on a call or disabled calls from call queues.

Call delegation or shared line group

If you're a delegator, delegate, or shared line group member, see our articles about call delegation or shared line groups to learn more about inbound call notifications.

Group call pickup

If you're a member of a group call pickup and another member is unable to answer a call, you receive an inbound call with a subtle notification sound to answer or dismiss the call. By default, you receive an inbound call notification with no sound. Admins can enable a subtle notification sound.

In a meeting

If you're in a meeting and you receive an inbound call, the call notification displays these options: