Conference Room Connector supported devices

The Zoom Conference Room Connector license allows most standard SIP and H.323 video endpoints to join and participate in Zoom meetings through the Cloud Room Connector. 

Enhanced support for calendaring and other features is available for select Polycom and Cisco room systems through the Zoom API Connector.

Table of Contents

Supported protocols and codecs for joining Zoom Meetings

Endpoint requirements to join a meeting using Zoom Cloud Room Connector:

Audio codecs supported:

Note: OPUS is currently only supported with SIP connections.

Video codecs supported:

Bandwidth requirements

Below are the minimum bandwidth requirements for a device with a single screen configuration:

Below are the minimum bandwidth requirements for a device with a dual-screen configuration:

SIP / H.323 endpoints as Zoom managed devices

The Zoom Conference Room Connector license also provides administrators with additional capabilities. By provisioning the device from Zoom, conference room devices can be enabled with:

Supported devices

Devices listed as Can join Zoom meetings are customer or manufacturer self-reported as being capable of joining Zoom meetings using Zoom Conference Room Connector. Where indicated, a minimum device software version may be required.

Devices listed as Can be a Zoom managed device capable of joining Zoom meetings using Zoom Conference Room Connector [b]and[/b] can be provisioned and managed by the Zoom Enhanced API Connector for additional capabilities. Where indicated, a minimum device software version may be required.

Devices listed as Manufacturer end-of-life are no longer supported by their manufacturer. While Zoom does not block "Manufacturer end-of-life" devices from connecting to Zoom Conference Room Connector (CRC) or being Zoom managed devices, Zoom will not provide technical support or troubleshooting services for devices that have reached manufacturer "end-of-life" status.

Note: The supported versions listed are versions that have been tested and confirmed by Zoom. Any newer versions than those listed below may not be compatible.

HP (formerly Poly/Polycom)

DeviceCan join Zoom MeetingsCan be a Zoom Managed deviceManufacturer end-of-life
Trio8500 and 8800 only, software 5.9.4 Rev AB or higher8500 and 8800 only, software 5.9.4 Rev AB or higher


Group Series6.1.7.2 
HDX Series3.1.7 or higher3.1.7 or higher
DebutVersion 1.2 or higherVersion 1.2 or higher


Cisco (Tandberg)

DeviceCan join Zoom MeetingsCan be a Zoom Managed deviceManufacturer end-of-life
C and EX seriesTC 7.3.21 or higher
DX, MX, and SX seriesCE 9.15.x or higher 
Board series

RoomOS 10.x.x or higher

Desk seriesRoomOS 10.x.x or higher 
Room/RoomKit series

RoomOS 10.x.x or higher


Note: Zoom's version recommendations follow the vendor's supported/recommended versions of software.


DeviceCan join Zoom MeetingsCan be a Zoom Managed deviceManufacturer end-of-life
Icon 300, 500, 700✓*  
Icon 400, 450, 600, 8003.4.2 (on-premises) only 

*Note: The Icon 300, 500, 700 series devices are only supported for joining meetings if connected to the Lifesize Cloud service.


DeviceCan join Zoom MeetingsCan be a Zoom Managed deviceManufacturer end-of-life
200 series  


DeviceCan join Zoom MeetingsCan be a Zoom Managed deviceManufacturer end-of-life
130 series  
130P series  
100 series  


DeviceCan join Zoom MeetingsCan be a Zoom Managed deviceManufacturer end-of-life