Managing and customizing Zoom Scheduler email notifications
Zoom Scheduler leverages the Zoom platform to connect users to their calendars, where they can generate slots of scheduled availability for attendees to then select a preferred time on both parties’ calendars. This article explains how to customize email notifications, in order to help share information on the purpose of the meeting, so everyone can come prepared.
Customize the email and SMS notifications being sent to you or attendees. The following email notifications can be edited and customized.
Note: Your phone number is needed for SMS notifications to work. You will receive a message if you haven't added your phone number. In the message, click Set phone number.
Booking confirmation email
The booking confirmation email is sent to both you and the person booking the session with you. This is sent immediately after the booking is confirmed. If requiring a verification code, the confirmation email is sent after the user enters the confirmation code sent to them by email.
The host can edit the email template and its settings.
Applied to : Choose which existing booking schedules these customizations will apply to. Unselected booking schedules will use the default settings, if this email notification is enabled for that booking schedule.
Apply to all new repeating booking schedules: Select the checkbox to have these customizations applied to any new booking schedules you create.
Email timing : Set how many days, hours, or minutes before the event starts when the reconfirmation email is sent.
Send Email : Choose who to send the reconfirmation email: To you (the host), To attendee, or To you and attendee.
Depending on the selection made above, the option to edit and preview the Email to Attendees and/or the Email to You will be shown below. On the bottom-right corner of the email preview, click Edit to customize the email template.
Click Save Changes to save the edits.
Reschedule email
The booking confirmation email is sent to both you and the person rescheduling the session with you. This is sent immediately after the booking is confirmed. If requiring a verification code, the confirmation email is sent after the user enters the confirmation code sent to them by email.
The host cannot edit this email template and its settings.
Cancellation email
The booking cancellation email is sent to both you and the person that booked the session with you. This is sent immediately after the booking is canceled, either by the host or the person that booked the session.
The host can edit the email template and its settings.
Applied to : Choose which existing booking schedules these customizations will apply to. Unselected booking schedules will use the default settings, if this email notification is enabled for that booking schedule.
Apply to all new repeating booking schedules: Select the checkbox to have these customizations applied to any new booking schedules you create.
Email timing : Set how many days, hours, or minutes before the event starts when the reconfirmation email is sent.
Send Email : Choose who to send the reconfirmation email: To you (the host), To attendee, or To you and attendee.
Depending on the selection made above, the option to edit and preview the Email to Attendees and/or the Email to You will be shown below. On the bottom-right corner of the email preview, click Edit to customize the email template.
Click Save Changes to save the edits.
Reconfirmation email
The reconfirmation email is sent to remind and confirm that the booked session is still taking place at the scheduled date and time.
Applied to : Choose which existing booking schedules these customizations will apply to. Unselected booking schedules will use the default settings, if this email notification is enabled for that booking schedule.
Apply to all new repeating booking schedules: Select the checkbox to have these customizations applied to any new booking schedules you create.
Email timing : Set how many days, hours, or minutes before the event starts when the reconfirmation email is sent.
Send Email : Choose who to send the reconfirmation email: To you (the host), To attendee, or To you and attendee.
Depending on the selection made above, the option to edit and preview the Email to Attendees and/or the Email to You will be shown below. On the bottom-right corner of the email preview, click Edit to customize the email template.
Click Save Changes to save the edits.
Reminder email
The reminder email is sent to remind the host and attendees of the booked session at the scheduled date and time.
Applied to : Choose which existing booking schedules these customizations will apply to. Unselected booking schedules will use the default settings, if this email notification is enabled for that booking schedule.
Apply to all new repeating booking schedules: Select the checkbox to have these customizations applied to any new booking schedules you create.
Email timing : Set how many days, hours, or minutes before the event starts when the reminder email is sent.
Send Email : Choose who to send the reminder email: To you (the host), To attendee, or To you and attendee.
Depending on the selection made above, the option to edit and preview the Email to Attendees and/or the Email to You will be shown below. On the bottom-right corner of the email preview, click Edit to customize the email template.
Click Save Changes to save the edits.
Follow up email
The follow-up email is sent after the end of the session to follow up with the host and/or attendees of the booked session. By default, the follow-up email thanks them for their attendance, encourages them to schedule another session, and requests feedback or questions.
Applied to : Choose which existing booking schedules these customizations will apply to. Unselected booking schedules will use the default settings, if this email notification is enabled for that booking schedule.
Apply to all new repeating booking schedules: Select the checkbox to have these customizations applied to any new booking schedules you create.
Email timing : Set how many days, hours, or minutes after the event ends when the follow up email is sent.
Send Email : Choose who to send the follow-up email: To you (the host), To attendee, or To you and attendee.
Depending on the selection made above, the option to edit and preview the Email to Attendees and/or the Email to You will be shown below. On the bottom-right corner of the email preview, click Edit to customize the email template.
Click Save Changes to save the edits.
Quick survey email
The quick survey email is sent after the end of the session to encourage attendees to respond to a survey about the booked session. The host must provide the link(s) to the survey (created by the host) and request feedback or questions.
Applied to : Choose which existing booking schedules these customizations will apply to. Unselected booking schedules will use the default settings, if this email notification is enabled for that booking schedule.
Apply to all new repeating booking schedules: Select the checkbox to have these customizations applied to any new booking schedules you create.
Email timing : Set how many days, hours, or minutes after the event ends when the quick survey email is sent.
Send Email : Choose who to send the quick survey email: To you (the host), To attendee, or To you and attendee.
Depending on the selection made above, the option to edit and preview the Email to Attendees and/or the Email to You will be shown below. On the bottom-right corner of the email preview, click Edit to customize the email template.
Click Save Changes to save the edits.
Thank you email
The thank you email is sent after the end of the session to encourage attendees to respond to a survey about the booked session. By default, the follow-up email thanks them for their attendance and encourages any feedback or questions.
Applied to : Choose which existing booking schedules these customizations will apply to. Unselected booking schedules will use the default settings, if this email notification is enabled for that booking schedule.
Apply to all new repeating booking schedules: Select the checkbox to have these customizations applied to any new booking schedules you create.
Email timing : Set how many days, hours, or minutes after the event ends when the thank you email is sent.
Send Email : Choose who to send the thank you email: To you (the host), To attendee, or To you and attendee.
Depending on the selection made above, the option to edit and preview the Email to Attendees and/or the Email to You will be shown below. On the bottom-right corner of the email preview, click Edit to customize the email template.
Click Save Changes to save the edits.
Additional resources email
The additional resources email is sent after the end of the session to provide attendees with links to additional resources related to the booked session. Links to the additional resources must be provided by the host.
Applied to : Choose which existing booking schedules these customizations will apply to. Unselected booking schedules will use the default settings, if this email notification is enabled for that booking schedule.
Apply to all new repeating booking schedules: Select the checkbox to have these customizations applied to any new booking schedules you create.
Email timing : Set how many days, hours, or minutes after the event ends when the thank you email is sent.
Send Email : Choose who to send the additional resources email: To you (the host), To attendee, or To you and attendee.
Depending on the selection made above, the option to edit and preview the Email to Attendees and/or the Email to You will be shown below. On the bottom-right corner of the email preview, click Edit to customize the email template.
Click Save Changes to save the edits.
How to create a custom email notification
In addition to the default email notification templates, hosts can create a custom email template to serve a unique need, provide a few variants of a template, and more.
At the top of the list of notification templates, click Create Custom Notification.
Enter a name for this new notification and click Next. The following options can be edited and customized:
Applied to : Choose which existing booking schedules these customizations will apply to. Unselected booking schedules will use the default settings, if this email notification is enabled for that booking schedule.
Apply to all new repeating booking schedules: Select the checkbox to have these customizations applied to any new booking schedules you create.
Email timing : Set when the email is sent. Emails can be set to send a specified number of days, hours, or minutes either after booking, before event starts, after event starts, after event ends, or after one cancels.
Send Email : Choose who to send the custom email: To you (the host), To attendee, or To you and attendee.
Depending on the selection made above, the option to edit and preview the Email to Attendees and/or the Email to You will be shown below. On the bottom-right corner of the email preview, click Edit to customize the email template.
Click Save to create the custom email notification. When created, this and other custom email notifications will be listed in the Other section, as well as an available option when creating or editing a booking schedule.
Available email variables
When customizing an existing email template or creating a new email template, hosts can use specific variables to reference details in the email, including the name of the event, the name of the host, the name of the person booking the event, and the date/time of the event.
The following variables are available:
{{booking_page_link}} Inserts a link to your main Scheduler profile page, which lists all active, recurring booking schedules.
{{event_name}} Inserts the name of the event, which is the same as the booking schedule name.
{{event_date}} Inserts the date of the scheduled appointment, such as Friday, July 19.
{{event_time}} Inserts the time of the scheduled appointment, such as 8:00 - 9:00 AM EST.
{{event_duration}} Inserts the scheduled duration of the scheduled appointment.
{{event_location}} Inserts the location of the appointment provided by the host.
{{organizer_full_name}} Inserts the name of the host/organizer of the appointment. This is the user who’s calendar is visible to clients through Zoom Scheduler.
{{video_conferencing}} Inserts which conferencing option will be used, such as Zoom Meetings or Zoom Phone, if enabled by the organizer for this booking schedule.
{{zoom_meeting_link}} Inserts the join link both the host and attendee can use to join the associated Zoom Meeting.
{{Attendee_first_name}} Inserts the first name of the attendee that scheduled the appointment. This is provided by the user when scheduling the appointment.
{{Attendee_last_name}} Inserts the last name of the attendee that scheduled the appointment. This is provided by the user when scheduling the appointment.
{{Attendee_full_name}} Inserts the full name (first and last name) of the attendee that scheduled the appointment. This is provided by the user when scheduling the appointment.
{{Attendee_email}} Inserts the email address of the attendee that scheduled the appointment. This is provided by the user when scheduling the appointment.
{{Attendee_phone_number}} Inserts the phone number of the attendee that scheduled the appointment. This is provided by the user when scheduling the appointment.
{{manage_event_link}} Inserts the link to reschedule or cancel this appointment.
{{attendee_count}} Inserts the number of attendees currently scheduled to attend.
{{time_until_start}} Inserts roughly how long until the event starts.
{{canceled_name}} Inserts the name of the user that canceled the appointment, either the organizer/host or the attendee that scheduled the meeting.
Inserts the total number of attendees spots for the appointment.