User guide for Zoom Phone Smart Embed integration

Your account admin can allow you to use Zoom Phone Smart Embed with your third-party web application to use softphone services. You can sign in to Zoom Phone Smart Embed from within your web app with Zoom credentials to call, answer a call, control a call, send and receive SMS, access call recordings and voicemails, and view call history.


Requirements for using Zoom Phone Smart Embed

Table of Contents

How to use call controls on Zoom Phone Smart Embed

Note: While on a call, you will see the dialog box Allow Zoom Phone Smart Embed to manage call control actions on your behalf, asking you to make the following selection to manage your call control. You can change your selections at any time.

How to sign in to the Zoom Phone Smart Embed app

  1. Sign in to the Zoom app.
  2. Start the Zoom Phone Smart Embed web app.
  3. Click the Sign in button.
    You will be redirected to the Marketplace page to sign and authorize the app.
  4. In the dialog window, at the bottom of the page do the following:

How to receive calls using the Zoom Phone Smart Embed app

It's required to select a device for you to receive calls. By default, the previously selected device is the one made available to receive calls.

  1. Access the Zoom Phone widget in your Zoom Phone Smart Embed app.
    Incoming calls will show in the call confirmation display with the name or number of the caller.
  2. Click one of the following icons:
  3. If you accepted the call, you can control the call by doing the following:

How to make a call using the Zoom Phone Smart embed app

  1. Access the Zoom Phone widget in your Zoom Phone Smart Embed app.
  2. From the phone dial pad, click the Keypad tab then enter or dial a phone number to call.
  3. Click the Phone icon .
    The call control menu will appear.
  4. While on the call, from the call control menu, do the following:

How to send and receive SMS messages using Zoom Phone Smart Embed

Send a text message to a phone number or contact/lead using Zoom Phone Smart Embed

  1. Access the Zoom Phone widget in your Zoom Phone Smart Embed app.
  2. From the phone dial pad, select the SMS tab.
  3. Click the pencil icon to start writing your new text message.
  4. In the To: box, type the phone number or the name of the contact/lead to send the text message.
  5. In the Text... box, type your message.
  6. Click the send icon to send your message.
    Your message will be sent.
    Note: If sending the message fails, click Retry to send the message again, or click Delete to delete it.
  7. Click the File icon to send images.


Read a text message using Zoom Phone Smart Embed

  1. Access the Zoom Phone widget in your Zoom Phone Smart Embed.
  2. From the phone dial pad, select the SMS tab.
  3. Click the text message you desire to read.

How to view voicemails in the Zoom Phone Smart Embed app

  1. In your softphone dialer widget, click the Voicemail tab.
    Note: Voicemail messages are displayed in reverse chronological order with the most recent messages at the top with the name or number of the caller that left the message.
  2. (Optional) Click the refresh icon to view the latest voicemail messages.
  3. Hover over a voicemail entry for these options:

How to view call history in the Zoom Phone Smart Embed app

  1. In your softphone dialer widget, click the History tab.
    Your call history will be displayed showing the name, or the number of the users you called with the date and time. The most recent call history will display at the top.
  2. Click a call history entry to view the details.
  3. To the right of All History, click the drop-down arrow , then select the following:
    The calls will be filtered and will display your selection.
  4. Hover over a call history entry for the following options:

How to sign out of the Zoom Phone Smart Embed app

  1. From the Softphone widget, on the top-right corner, click the Profile icon.
  2. (Optional) Click Settings, to adjust your settings.
  3. Click Sign Out.
    The user session information will be cleared out after signing out.