Administrators can configure GPO policies to set the maximum bandwidth available for thin clients. Bandwidth restriction policies can also be implemented to apply specifically to office devices, allowing home users to take full advantage of personal network capabilities.
For more information, view the VDI bandwidth management chart.
This article covers:
Administrators configure these settings through the installer or registry (either HKCU or HKLM) using the keys/values below:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Zoom\Zoom Meetings\General
These are configured on the account page of the Zoom web portal and will override the MSI bandwidth settings unless IgnoreBandwidthLimits is set to 1.
These registry keys work with thin clients to apply policies based on their .ini files* and are configured on the VDI client under:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Zoom\Zoom Meetings\VDI\bandwidth\
Both office and home values can accept 3 different connection types (ica, udp, and direct) with "up" and "down" values configured for the bandwidth.
If the registry key "GPOBandwidthOverrideWeb=1" is configured, these values are used regardless of whether the value exists under the location and connection type. Since the default value is 0, there is no bandwidth limit if the value is not configured.
*Note: For Linux, which includes "eLux", the implementation is slightly different from the usual .ini file. Instead, an additional line is needed in a ZoomMedia.ini file located in this directory: setup/ica/ZoomMedia.ini
The additional line is the same:
To set the bandwidth limit for ICA mode when the user is in office, apply the following bandwidth settings in policy:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Zoom\Zoom Meetings\VDI\bandwidth\office\ica]
The thin client office or home setting is decided by the IsInOffice value, which is set based on platform type.
On the Windows thin client, create a new file named “bandwidth_config.ini” under the plugin install path and add the two lines below:
Default plugin install path for each platform type is below:
On the macOS plugin 5.8.0 and later, the configuration file is located under the ZoomVDI_Config file, which is located under ~/Library/Application Support/ZoomVDI/ZoomVDI_Config.
Look for the value “ISINOFFICE=” and set the value to 1 or 0.
Similar to Windows, add the configuration to the existing ZoomMedia.ini file:
If the policy GPOBandwidthOverrideWeb is set under SOFTWARE\Policies\Zoom\Zoom Meetings\VDI and is enabled, only use the bandwidth values from Policy Bandwidth Settings, regardless of whether the value exists under the device location and connection type (our default value is 0, and we use the previous bandwidth configuration rules if the value is not set).
For the VDI client and plugin 5.10.6 and later, applied bandwidth limitations for the plugin and VDI client can be seen from the VDI Statistics tab during a meeting.
While you're in a Zoom meeting on the desktop client, you can view meeting diagnostic information.
If bandwidth limitations were applied successfully, a note will appear at the bottom of the window: Your IT Team has limited the bandwidth available for this meeting in your location.
The bandwidth limit values for the VDI client and plugin upstream/downstream can be seen by clicking the exclamation icon .