Changing auto receptionist settings

After creating auto receptionists, you can change each auto receptionist's settings. See the auto receptionist article to learn more.


This article covers:

Prerequisites for changing auto receptionist settings

How to change auto receptionist settings

Note: Use Zoom Phone role management to allow a phone user to access or manage an auto receptionist's settings. You can also change policy settings to control certain features.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Auto Receptionists.
  3. Click an auto receptionist's name.
    You will see the following information and options in the Profile tab:
    • Display Name: Click Rename beside the auto receptionist's name and enter a new one.
    • Site (only visible if you have multiple sites): Displays the site that the auto receptionist belongs to.
    • Extension Number: Click Edit to change the extension number assigned to the auto receptionist.
    • Number(s): Click Add to assign direct phone numbers to the main auto receptionist. Numbers in blue text are direct phone numbers assigned to the main auto receptionist.
      Note: If you're editing the main auto receptionist, the phone number with the drop-down menu indicates the main company number. To change the main company number, click the drop-down menu and select another direct number assigned to the main auto receptionist. If you have multiple sites, the main company number is assigned to the main auto receptionist of the main site.
    • Time Zone: Click Edit to change the time zone used for the Business Hours option below.
    • Department: Enter a department name, then click Save.
    • Cost Center: Enter a cost center name, then click Save.
    • Audio Prompt Language: Set the language for all default audio prompts for this auto-receptionist.
    • Business Hours / Closed Hours / Holiday Hours: Customize how inbound calls are routed during business, close, or holiday hours.
    • Voicemail: Share the auto receptionist's voicemail inbox.
      Note: To allow callers to leave messages in the auto receptionist's voicemail, change the Business Hours or Closed Hours setting to route to the current extension's voicemail.
    • Communications Content Storage Location: Manage the storage location of Communications Content.

How to customize business, closed, and holiday hours

You can customize the times that the auto receptionist is available to route calls.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Auto Receptionists.
  3. Click an auto receptionist's name.
  4. Click the Profile tab.
  5. Customize these settings:
    • Business Hours: Check Edit to change the times when the auto receptionist will answer calls. You can set business hours to span past 11:30 PM. This could be used if the auto receptionist routes to phone users or call queue members that work night shifts. You can also set business hours in increments of 10 minutes by manually entering a time; for example, 11:10 PM.
    • Closed Hours: If you set business hours, customized calls are routed outside of business hours. Click Edit to customize the routing options for closed hours.
    • Holiday Hours: Click Manage to designate certain days and hours as holidays and customize the routing options for holiday hours. For example, you could directly route calls to voicemail or play a custom message to tell the caller that the office is away on holiday.

How to understand routing options

You can also customize how inbound calls are routed during business, close, or holiday hours: