Understanding Dashboard statistics and graphs

The Dashboard tab provides graphs for quick statistics on users, meetings, and Zoom Rooms. Many of the graphs have arrows to adjust which data is being shown and the information can be exported by clicking the download icon next to a chart.

Hovering your mouse over vertical or horizontal bars will display the value (minutes, meetings, participants, etc.) and the date range the bar covers.

For more information on using the overall features, refer to the Dashboard overview.

Requirements for accessing dashboard data

Table of Contents

How to access the Dashboard homepage

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Dashboard.

How to understand the System Health tab

The System Health page contains the unified health Dashboard that allows you to monitor, diagnose, and troubleshoot the underlying reasons for temporary technical problems throughout the Zoom platform on a large scale. 

Note: To have the unified health Dashboard feature enabled, submit a request to Zoom Support.

The components that make up the unified health dashboard include:

How to understand the Usage data tab

Overall stats

At the top of the Dashboard homepage, you can change the date range for the statistics and graphs on the rest of the page. The date range can be set for the last 7 days, 30 days, 180 days, or 12 months. There is also a custom range option, which you can set up to 15 months prior.  

Below the date range selection, the overall usage statistics by the account are shown.

These stats include:

Client Versions

Shows data for every device that a user signs in to and summarizes data based on whether the device needs an update with respect to the Zoom minimum supported version. You can view Client Version by Overview, Endpoint, Joins, and VDI.

This also records the last login for each platform type and combines duplicate logins, only keeping the most recent one.


Displays a percentage breakdown of joins on clients with respect to the following metrics:

Click one of the options in the percentage breakdown to view a bar chart of the different client versions users are on. In the bar chart, you can drill in further by clicking a device client version to view Client Platform data. This list provides more information about the users who signed in to a device with that version, such as their email, client version, and last login time.

Note: This chart will record data for all users within this account and is not controlled by the date selector.


This chart displays a stacked bar graph that aggregates the client version data from all types of clients (macOS, Windows, iOS, Android, etc.). Account owners and admins can filter by one or multiple client versions, based on the client type or OS type. They can also select all entries when deleting endpoint data. 

Note: This chart will record data for all users within this account and is not controlled by the date selector.


This chart goes back a maximum of 30 days and shows how many endpoints joined on each version on a particular day, with specific data for Version Requires Updates and No Update Required. This category is relative to the date they joined. You can filter between internal and external joins. You can also export this chart to show the joins per each client version on each day, but you cannot see which user makes up each join. 

Note: This chart will record data for all users within this account and is not controlled by the date selector.


Shows data for VDI Host versions and for VDI Plugin versions, with respect to Unsupported Versions, Version Requires Update, and No Update Required. Learn more about Dashboard for VDI.



Top 10 Users

Displays the current top 10 users in the following categories:


Displays the overall account’s usage over the date range in the following categories:

Top 10 Locations

Displays the top 10 countries used by total Zoom Chat Participants or Meeting Participants.

Meetings Year-to-Date Trend

Displays the number of meetings hosted, starting from the beginning of the current year through the selected date. You can adjust the date range of the graph.


Displays a percentage breakdown of the types of devices participants have used to join meetings hosted on the account.

Zoom Meetings Client Customer Satisfaction Trend

The overall satisfaction rate of participants joining meetings hosted by the account.

Zoom Meetings Client Feedback

Displays the number of current reports of negative feedback by participants at the end of a meeting, including trend changes for those issues.

Meetings and Webinars Issues Trend

Displays the number of issues reported by a participant's client over the set date range. The graph can be set to show:

Zoom Rooms

Displays graphs and charts, gives a breakdown of Zoom Rooms usage as well as issue and feedback reports. If you have multiple locations within your organization, you can narrow the information reported to a certain location (country, city, campus, building, etc.).

Top 25 Zoom Rooms Usage by Minutes

Displays the top used 25 Zoom Rooms in the organization. Next to each room, the overall usage in minutes is shown. Hover over the bar to view the breakdown of meeting minutes used by the Zoom Room.

Zoom Room Usage

Displays the overall Zoom Room usage by the account (or specific location) over the specified time. Zoom Room usage can be displayed in the following categories:

Top 25 Zoom Rooms with issues

By default, the graph displays the top 25 Zoom Rooms that have reported issues. You can also change the graph to show the top 25 issues reported by Zoom Rooms, as well as the top 25 Zoom Rooms with the most in-room participants over the selected date range.

 Zoom Rooms Feedback

Displays the number of current reports of the selectable feedback issues by Zoom Room participants at the end of the meeting, including trend changes for those issues.

Zoom Rooms Customer Satisfaction Trend

Displays the overall satisfaction rate of participants joining meetings hosted by the account.

Top 25 “Not Good” Zoom Rooms

Displays the top 25 (or less if there are not 25) Zoom Rooms that have issues reported by the participants in the room.

How to download a report

    1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
    2. In the navigation menu, click Dashboard.
    3. In the top-right corner of the chart you want to export, click the download arrow icon.
    4. When prompted, click Go to Downloads Page to view the download.
      Note: You can also click Not Now to go back to the Dashboard and generate more reports.
    5. Once on the Downloads tab, click Download next to the generated report.