Using Team Chat announcements

Chat announcements allow specific users to send one-way announcements to everyone in the same account. Account owners and admin can add up to 50 users who can send announcements.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for using an Announcements channel

Limitations of chat announcements

The following chat features work with chat announcements:

The following chat feature don't work with chat announcements:

Note: As an alternative to announcements, you can create a channel with restricted posting permissions.

How to enable chat announcements

An account owner or admin needs to enable chat announcements in the web portal and select users that can post announcements. You can add up to 50 users that can post announcements.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Account Settings.
  3. Click the Team Chat tab.
  4. Under Visibility, click the Announcements toggle to enable it.
  5. Click the plus icon + to add users that can post announcements.
  6. Enter a name or email address to search users, then select the user.
  7. Click Add.
    Zoom will create a channel called Announcements.
    Only users you added can post announcements. All other users can view-only in this channel.

How to use chat announcements

Note: Before beginning, make sure an account owner or admin has granted you permission to post announcements.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.
  2. Click the Team Chat tab  .
  3. Select the Announcements channel  .
  4. Enter an announcement to send to all users, then click the send icon .
    Note: You can also post GIFs, images and files, and code snippets as announcements.

Android | iOS

  1. Sign in to the Zoom mobile app.
  2. Tap the Team Chat tab  .
  3. Tap Announcements  .
  4. Enter an announcement to send to all users, then tap the send icon .
    Note: You can also post GIFs, images and files, and code snippets as announcements.