Managing on-premise server users

While On-Premise devices have an admin login by default, you can also add more users and manage their access permissions as well. 

Note: These users are not considered Zoom users or have access to the Zoom service. 

This article covers:

Prerequisites for managing on-premise users

How to change the Admin login password

It is recommended that the Admin login is updated with a new password when logging into the VM for the first time. To update the password: 

  1. In the VM click Login.
  2. Login in with the admin credentials.
  3. Click User, then Manage.
  4. Click Change Password next to the admin account
  5. Enter the current Admin password, then enter the new password, and re-enter it to confirm.
  6. Click Modify.

How to add server users

  1. As an admin, navigate to the web console at https://IPaddress:5480 and log in.
  2. Click User, then click Add.
  3. Fill in the following fields:
  4. Click Add

Managing server users

  1. As an admin, navigate to the web console at https://IPaddress:5480 and log in.
  2. Click User, then click Manage.
  3. Click Change Password to update a user's password, Change Authority to update their permissions, or delete the users as well.