Changing your language on Zoom

You can change the language displayed by Zoom on your Zoom desktop app and the Zoom website. The following languages are supported for Zoom apps:

On Android and iOS mobile apps, Zoom's language is determined by the default operating system language. 

Hosts can also designate interpreters in their meeting or webinar to translate between languages.

Prerequisites for changing your language on Zoom

*Note: Support for Swedish requires version 5.16.10 or higher

How to change your language on Zoom

  1. On the bottom left of your desktop, click the Windows Start button.
  2. Locate the Zoom folder then click Zoom to launch the application.
  3. Click the notification tray icon ^ on the bottom right of your Windows taskbar.
  4. Right-click the Zoom icon in the notification tray.
  5. Hover over Switch Languages.
  6. Select the desired language.

    Note: The Zoom application will restart and you will need to open it or sign in again if you were signed in.

  1. Go to your Finder, then Application to locate the Zoom application.
  2. Double click to launch the application.
  3. Right-click or option-click the Zoom icon in your dock.
  4. Hover over Switch Languages.
  5. Choose the language you want Zoom to be in.
  6. Confirm that you want to change the language.
    Note: The Zoom application will restart and now be in the language of your choice.


  1. Go to Show Applications and search for Zoom.
  2. Click the Zoom icon to launch the application.
  3. On the top right side of the Activities screen, right-click the Zoom icon then click Switch Languages.
  4. Select the desired language.
    Note: The Zoom application will restart and you will need to open it or sign in again if you were signed in.


You can modify the language of your Zoom web page by being signed in to your account.

If you are not signed in to your account:

  1.  Scroll down to the bottom of any page on Zoom's website.
  2.  On the bottom right of the page, click the drop-down Language menu.
  3. Select your language. The page will instantly change into the language you selected.

If you are signed into your account:

  1. Navigate to Profile.
  2. On the right side of the page, click Edit to the far right of Language.
  3. Choose your language from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Change the language for billing-related content

If your Sold To address is in Japan, you can choose to receive invoices and emails regarding billing and payments in English or Japanese.

To change your billing language to Japanese or English, follow the steps below depending on where your billing portal is located in the left navigation menu of the Zoom web portal. Not sure how to identify where your billing portal is located? Learn how to locate your billing settings.

Billing portal under Plans and Billing
  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an account owner or admin with privileges to edit billing information.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Plans and Billing then Billing Management.
  3. In the Billing Language field, select English or Japanese.
    A confirmation pop-up will appear.
  4. Click Yes to confirm your selection.
    You will receive all future billing emails and invoices in the selected language.
Billing portal under Account Management
  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an account owner or admin with privileges to edit billing information.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Billing.
  3. Click the Billing Information tab.
  4. In the Billing Language field, select English or Japanese.
    A confirmation pop-up will appear.
  5. Click Yes to confirm your selection.
    You will receive all future billing emails and invoices in the selected language.

Note: If you purchased your plan through sales and cannot make this change on your own in the billing portal, contact your Account Executive to request the change or submit a request to Zoom Billing Support.


On iOS, Zoom's language is determined by the default operating system language. To change the language in Zoom, you will need to change the operating system language.

  1. Open the Settings on your iOS device.
  2. Scroll down and tap General.
  3. Scroll down and tap Language & Region.
  4. Tap iPhone/iPad Language.
  5. Tap the desired language.
  6. Tap Done.
    Note: The language for your device is now changed. After restarting, Zoom will use the new language.


On Android, Zoom's language is determined by the default operating system language. To change the language in Zoom, you will need to change the operating system language.

  1. Open the Settings on your Android device. 
  2. Tap Language and Input
  3. Tap the new language.
    Note: Zoom will automatically use the new language.