The message Host has another meeting in progress appears when trying to join a meeting.
This issue impacts the zoom desktop and web clients.
Another meeting is in progress on the host's account.
Please review the limitations for hosting multiple meetings.
There are two scenarios that frequently cause this issue.
In this scenario, invites have been sent to participants with the Host's personal meeting ID. The host signs on to the Zoom desktop client, and clicks Meetings, then New Meeting to start the session.
The issue occurs if the New Meeting button is not set to Use my Personal Meeting ID (PMI). If this setting is not enabled the host is starting a new and separate session than the one on the invite.
To ensure that PMI is enabled, click the arrow icon under the New Meeting button and check the box
next to Use my Personal Meeting ID (PMI).
In this scenario the host has used a meeting ID in the past with join before host enabled. The host switches to a new meeting ID and invites the same participants, but one of the participants accidentally joins the old meeting ID and puts the Host's account in use.
This can be resolved by disabling the Join before host setting on this old meeting ID.