Admin configuration for the Workday App

Before users can connect their Workday accounts to the Workday app in Team Chat, an Admin with appropriate permissions must do some initial configuration within their Workday account. This must be performed only once for all end-users to be able to connect their accounts.

Requirements for configuring Workday for the Workday app

Table of Contents

How to perform initial Workday configuration

Register the API Client

  1. Sign in to your Workday account as an admin.
  2. With the search bar in the top right corner, search for Edit tenant setup - Security.
  3. Under OAuth 2.0 Settings, check the OAuth 2.0 Clients Enabled option.
  4. Click OK.
  5. With the search bar in the top right corner, search for and open Register API Client.
    You will be prompted to set up an API connection for the Team Chat integration.
  6. For the following fields, enter the provided values:

    Client Name

    Zoom Chat Integration

    Client Grant Type

    Authorization Code Grant

    Support Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)

    Keep the default value (unchecked)

    Enforce 60 Minute Access Token Expiry

    Keep the default value (unchecked)

    Access Token Type


    Redirection URI oauth/workday/authorized

    Refresh Token Timeout (in days)Keep the default value (30 days)

    Non-Expiring Refresh Tokens


    Grant Administrative Consent

    Keep the default value (unchecked)


    Keep the default value (unchecked)

    Scope (Functional Areas)

    Adaptive Planning for Financial Plans
    Adaptive Planning for the Workforce
    Public Data
    Time Off and Leave
    Tenant Non-Configurable

    Include Workday Owned Scope

    Keep the default value (unchecked)

    Restricted to IP Ranges

    Keep the default value (empty)
  7. Click Ok to save the API Client.
    The API client will be created and additional details will be displayed.
  8. In a separate document, find and make note of the following details, which will be used in a later step:
  9. Click Done when these items are saved in the document.

Set up Integration Security

Edit the Domain Security Policy

  1. With the search bar in the top right corner, search for WQL for Workday Extend.
  2. Next to the WQL for Workday Extend search result, click the ellipses icon  to view the related actions menu.
  3. Select Domain and then Edit Security Policy Permissions.
  4. Under the Report/Task Permissions security groups, click the add icon  , search for and select All Users, and provide View access.
  5. Click Enable domain.
  6. Click OK to save the changes.

Create Integration System User and Security Group

  1. With the search bar in the top right corner, search for and open Create Integration System User.
  2. For the following fields, enter the provided values:
  3. Click OK.
  4. With the search bar in the top right corner, search for and open Create Security Group.
  5. As the Type of Tenanted Security Group, select Integration System Security group (Unconstrained), then name it ISSG INT Workday to ZoomChat Events Outbound. 
  6. On the next screen under Integration System Users, select the ISU INT Workday to ZoomChat Events Outbound user (Created in Step 16)
  7. Click OK.
  8. On the resulting screen, next to the title of the newly created security group, click the ellipses icon  to view the related actions menu.
  9. Click Security Group, then select Maintain Domain Permissions for Security Group
  10. For each of the following access options, add the following domains:
  11. Click OK.

Edit Business Process Security Policy

  1. With the search bar in the top right corner, search for bp:Request time off.
  2. Next to the Request Time Off (Default Definition) search result, click the ellipses icon  to view the related actions menu.
  3. Select Business Process Policy, and select Edit.
  4. Under the Who Can Do Actions on Entire Business Process sectionassign the ISSG security group (created in step 13) View all access.
  5. Click Ok
  6. Repeat steps 1-5, searching for and making security policy changes for bp:Correct time off instead

Import Workday Solution

  1. With the search bar in the top right corner, search for and open Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.
  2. Enter a required comment for tracking.
  3. Click OK.
    All the changes from the previous steps will be listed below.
  4. Check the Confirm box and click OK to confirm the changes.
  5. With the search bar in the top right corner, search for Import Solution.
  6. In the Solution field, enter the following as the ID:
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the search bar in the top right corner, search for rd: CR INT Workday to ZoomChat Events Outbound.
    Note: Steps 8-12 will be repeated for 2 other items.
  9. Next to the CR INT Workday to ZoomChat Events Outbound search result, click the ellipses icon ... to view the related actions menu.
  10. Select Custom Report, and then select Transfer Ownership.
  11. Search for and assign the ISU user (created in Step 10).
  12. Click OK.
  13. Repeat steps 8-12, searching for and transferring ownership of the following items as well:
  14. Deploy the studio integration found in the link:
  15. With the search bar in the top right corner, search for intsys: INT Workday to ZoomChat Events Outbound.
  16. Click … to view additional actions, then click Workday Account, and select Edit.
  17. Search for and assign the ISU user (created in Step 10).
  18. Click OK.
  19. With the search bar in the top right corner, search for intsys: INT Workday to ZoomChat Events Outbound.
  20. Click … to view additional actions, then click Integration system, and select Configure Integration Attribute.
  21. For the following attribute fields, copy and paste the appropriate values from the document in step 8:
  22. Click OK.
  23. With the search bar in the top right corner, search for intsys: INT Workday to ZoomChat Events Outbound.
  24. Click to view additional actions, then click Integration system, and select Configure Integration reports.
  25. Configure it as below:
    1. correctTimeOffDetails: CR INT Workday to Zoomchat Time off Correction Entries
    2. timeoff: CR INT Workday to ZoomChat Events Outbound
    3. birthdayAnniversaryNotification: CR INT Workday to Zoomchat Anniversary Birthday Notification
  26. Click OK.

Schedule Integration

  1. With the search bar in the top right corner, search for and open intsys: INT Workday to ZoomChat Events Outbound.
  2. Click … to view additional actions, then click Integration, and select Launch / Schedule.
  3. For Run Frequency, search for and select Minute Recurrence.
  4. On the Integration Criteria tab for the following value types and value fields, provide the following information for the specified fields:

    Value Type



    Determine Value at Runtime

    As of Entry DateTime of Last Completed or Completed with Warnings Integration Event


    Determine Value at Runtime

    Current Moment (DateTime)

    Concurrent Integration Scheduling

    When there are in-progress integration events triggered by this schedule, allow this schedule to trigger a new integration event

    Concurrent Integration Scheduling

    Except when the integration event has all the same:

  5. Click the Schedule tab.
  6. For the following value types and value fields, find and select the following options:
  7. Click OK.
  8. On the resulting page, click … to view additional actions, select Schedule Future Process, and then click Transfer Ownership.
  9. Search for and assign the ISU user (created in Step 10).
  10. Click OK.

With this process complete, end-users that have installed the Workday App will be able to successfully connect their Workday account to and begin using the Workday App