Managing automated captions

Zoom has a variety of options for creating virtual closed captioning in your Zoom meetings and webinars that provide subtitles for video conferencing. These options can be enabled and used by participants to easily follow the conversations or to meet accessibility requirements.

In a meeting, the host or another participant assigned by the host can provide manual captioning, an integrated third-party closed captioning service can provide the captioning, or Zoom’s automated captions (also known as live transcription) feature can provide automatic captioning. These same options are available with webinars, although manual captioning can only be provided by the host or a panelist. Any of these captioning options are also viewable in Zoom Rooms.  

For more information about viewing captions as a meeting participant or webinar attendee, refer to the user guide.

Requirements for managing automated captioning 

Limitations of real-time transcriptions

Table of Contents

How to start automated captioning

By default, captions can be enabled and viewed by any participant in the meeting. When using automated captions, English is the default language, but you can select other languages. This tells the system which language it will hear you speak in and generates captions in that language. If speaking in language A, but Zoom is expecting language B, the generated captions will be inaccurate.

  1. Start or join a Zoom meeting or webinar.
  2. In the meeting controls toolbar, click Show Captions .
  3. Choose the speaking language.
  4. (Optional) Select the Enable Translation check box and choose which language you want captions to be translated in. This feature is only available to select accounts. Learn more about translated captions.
  5. Click Save.


How to request automated captioning

If the host has restricted who can enable captions in a meeting, participants will need to request captions be enabled for the current meeting. The host and potentially co-hosts as well, depending on settings, will need to approve a request for captions to be available for all participants for the rest of the current meeting.

  1. Start or join a Zoom meeting or webinar.
    If a participant requests captions, a window will appear, explaining the request.
  2. Choose the speaking language the meeting participants are currently using.
    Note: Choosing the proper language affects captioning quality.
  3. Click Enable to allow captions in the meeting, or click Decline to continue the meeting without the use of captions.

How to view the full transcript

You can view a full transcription of your meeting or webinar if full transcript is enabled.

  1. In the meeting controls toolbar, next to the Show Captions icon , click the up arrow icon .
  2. Under Captions and translation, click View Full Transcript.
    The Transcript panel will appear, displaying the session's full transcript.
  3. (Optional) At the bottom of the Transcript panel, click Save Transcript to save a file of the full transcript.
  4. (Optional) Use the search bar to search through the transcript.
  5. (Optional) To hide the full transcript, in the top-right corner of the Transcript panel, click the X icon to close the window.

How to disable captions for everyone

  1. In the meeting controls toolbar, next to the Show Captions icon , click the up arrow icon .
  2. Under the Host controls, click Host caption control settings and disable Allow closed captioning for this meeting.
    Automated captions will end for all participants.

Supported languages for Automated Captions

Supported languages currently include: