Managing a hub's Events page

Hub owners and hub hosts can control the events that will be published on their hub’s public event listings directory by listing or unlisting created events. They can feature, sort, and filter through their hub’s event listings. The hub's Events page displays only hub events and can be useful to find other hosts' created events.

Hub owners and hub hosts can use the Events page to provide a more organized, manageable event listing experience for attendees. 

This article covers:

Prerequisites for managing the hub Events page

How to access the hub Events page

  1. Sign in to Zoom Events.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click the top dropdown arrow down-arrow-button.png and select the hub you want to manage.
  3. Under the hub you want to manage, click Events.
    Your hub’s events will be displayed.

How to manage event listings

Hub users can switch between the List and Calendar views in the hub's Events tab.

  1. Access the Events page.

  2. Click the Upcoming, Draft, Canceled, or Past tab to see events associated with your hub.
  3. At the top of the page, click the view that you want to use:

Understand the Events page in the list view

In the list view, the most recent upcoming events are listed from top to bottom. Additionally, event/event type labels are included, events are sorted by the start time of the event, and registration statuses are displayed. You can also adjust the columns to show more or less event information.

Note: All hub users can duplicate any upcoming, draft, or past events on their hub that anyone (including themselves) created on their hub.

Understand the Events page in the calendar view

The following information will be displayed for your hub's events in the calendar view:

On the calendar, click a calendar event to see more details. The event pop-up will appear and display the following information:

How to display or hide columns

You can select the columns and the columns' information that you want to hide or display. You can use the Columns button and select the columns you want to display by default.

  1. Access the hub Events page.
  2. Use the list view.
  3. Click the UpcomingDrafts, or Past tab.
  4. In the top-right corner, click the Columns button.
    A menu will display the columns you can display or hide. 
  5. To the left of each column name, select the column checkbox to enable it or deselect the column checkbox to disable it.
    When enabled, the column and its information will be displayed. When disabled, the column and its information will be hidden.
  6. (Optional) At the bottom of the column menu, click Select all to select all column checkboxes.
    All columns will be selected and will be displayed.
  7. Click Confirm.

How to access the event's hub

  1. Use the list view.
  2. To the right of the event you want to manage, under the Hub column, click the hub name .
    You will be directed to the event's hub.

How to use the Upcoming tab

Manage additional upcoming event actions

In the Upcoming tab, you can do the following actions for each upcoming event:

  1. Use the list view.
  2. Find an event that you want to manage.
  3. To the right of the event, complete the following actions:

How to manage the Draft tab

  1. Use the list view.
  2. Find an event that you want to manage.
  3. To the right of the event, complete the following actions:

How to manage the Canceled tab

  1. Use the list view.
  2. Find an event that you want to manage.
  3. To the right of the event, complete the following actions:

How to use the Past tab

Feature past events

  1. Use the list view.
  2. To the right of a past event, click Set as Featured .
    This will set the selected event as your hub’s featured event. Your featured event will be displayed on your hub’s public profile under Featured Events.

Manage additional past event actions

In the Past Events tab, you can do the following for each past event:

  1. Use the list view.
  2. Find an event that you want to manage.
  3. To the right of the event, complete the following actions:

How to list or unlist events

After publishing an event to the hub, you can configure where users are directed when they click the event from the hub profile from the event's registration and join links, which can be accessed in the Event Access tab. The authentication method is embedded in the link itself, and the hub doesn't need to take account of the authentication method.

  1. Access the hub Events page.

  2. Use the list view.
  3. Click the Upcoming or Past tab.
  4. To the right of an event that you want to manage, under the Publish to Hub column, click the toggle to enable or disable it.
    If you enable the toggle, a panel will appear.
  5. In the panel, select the link from all registration/join links that you want to display to attendees.
    The selected link is also the event listing link.
    Note: If no registration link is available, the default link is the event detail page. 
  6. Click Save.

When the toggle is enabled, the event will be published and listed in the Events tab on your event listings page. When the toggle is disabled, the event will be unlisted and will not be displayed in the Events tab on the event listings page.

Edit the event listing link

Edit the event listing link to choose another one from the event setup’s link list if the event has already been published to the hub. 

  1. Access the hub Events page.

  2. Use the list view.
  3. Click the Upcoming tab.
  4. To the right of the event that you want to manage, click the ellipsis then click Edit Event Link from the Hub.

How to filter events

Filter events in list view

  1. Access the hub Events page.

  2. Use the list view.
  3. Click the Upcoming, Draft, Canceled, or Past tab.
  4. At the top of the page, click the All events dropdown menu.
  5. Filter by All eventsCreated by me, Listed on the hub, or Set as featured.

Filter events in calendar view

  1. Access the hub Events page.
  2. Use the calendar view.
  3. At the top of the page, click the All dropdown menu.
  4. Filter by All, Listed, or Unlisted.