Dashboard for Team Chat
Account owners and admins can view account-usage metrics for Team Chat, our group messaging product. The Team Chat Dashboard comes with an at-a-glance view of chat usage and adoption. This gives account owners and admins relevant and insightful metrics to better understand how their organization uses Zoom Team Chat. The data is refreshed every 24 hours. You can see metrics for messages sent and sent messages by type, such as files, images, or animated GIFs. You can also view the overall messages sent in the account.
This article covers:
Prerequisites for using the Team Chat dashboard
- Business, Education, or API Plan
- Account owner or admin privileges
How to access the Team Chat dashboard
Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Dashboard.
- At the top of the Dashboard, click the Team Chat tab.
- In the Usage & Adoption tab, you can have an at-a-glance view of chat usage and adoption at a specified time. Data includes:
Active Users: Users who sent messages during the specified time.
Message Sent: Number of messages sent based on the specified time.
Active Channels: Channels that sent at least one message during the specified time.
Number of Channels: Breakdown of public and private channels, including active and inactive channels. This is a point in time, it is not impacted by selected date range.
Message volume by chat type: Chat type includes public channel, group chat, private channel, and 1:1 chat.
Messages Type: Message type includes text, images, files, GIPHYs, code snippets, and audio.
Leaderboard top 10 Channels: Can be sorted by Number of messages sent or Number of Users and by Public Channel, Private Channel, or Channels (All). Data includes channel name, number of users, number of messages sent, and message type.
- In the User Activities tab, use the following options to filter or customize the data:
- Use the drop-down menu and tabs at the top of the page to select a date range.
- View data as Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
- Use the search box to only display metrics for a specific user.
- Click Export to CSV to download a CSV file containing the filtered data.
Metrics glossary
Use the following list for explanations of the metrics available in the Team Chat dashboard.
Sent Messages: Total, 1-on-1, and channel/group messages sent. This consists of all message types (text, files, images, code snippet, GIPHYs, audio, and video messages).
- Total: Total messages sent.
- 1:1: 1-on-1 messages sent (Messages directly sent to another Zoom user).
- Channels & Group Chats: Messages sent in a channel or group.
Sent Messages by Type: Messages sent broken down by type (text, files, images, code snippet, GIPHYs, audio, and video messages).
How to use overall metrics
You can also view the overall messages sent in the account on the main Dashboard page.
Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Dashboard.
- Under the Meetings heading, click the drop down arrow next to Top 10 Users By or Usage By, then click Team Chat Sent Messages.