Using the VDI log tool

Troubleshoot issues by using the VDI log tool to collect information from your VDI environment. The tool can be obtained by downloading the latest version of VDI and opening the installation folder.

Note: The application is commonly referred to as the VDI Log Tool, but the actual name of the application is ZoomVDITool.exe.  


Requirements for using the VDI log tool 

Note: Running the tool through command-line requires Zoom VDI version 5.15.10 or higher. 

Table of Contents

How to use the VDI log tool

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Regardless of the executable file or command line method, running the VDI log tool will cause the the Zoom VDI client to close.

Run the tool through the executable

  1. Download the latest version of VDI.
  2. After downloading VDI, open File Explorer.
  3. In File Explorer, navigate to "C:\Program Files\ZoomVDI\bin".
  4. Within the folder, find and launch ZoomVDITool.exe.
  5. Next to Save Location, click Change Path to update the location where the log files will be stored.
  6. Enable Enable Log.
  7. Sign in to  the Zoom VDI client.
    Note: It cannot be run on thin client plugins.
  8. Click your profile picture, then click Settings.
  9. Click the Stastics  tab.
  10. Verify the Log Level is set to 4.
  11. (Optional) If the Log Level is not set to 4:
    1. Launch the Registry Editor.
    2. Navigate to "SOFTWARE\Policies\Zoom\Zoom Meetings\VDI".
    3. Create a registry key with the following parameters
      • Name: LogLevel
      • Value Type: REG_DWORD
      • Value Data: 4
  12. Reproduce the issue using the VDI client. 
  13. In the ZoomVDITool.exe, click Collect Logs to gather data from the VDI client and connected thin client plugins.
    A set of VDI client and plugin logs will be automatically captured under the specified save location.
    Note: If the log size is 0, verify the Log Level is set to (Step 10).
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If the VDI Plugin Status is shown as Not connected, please manually collect the plugin log on the Thin Client side. The VDI client log can still be collected by the log tool.

Run the tool through command line

For admins wanting to avoid having their users run the log tool and would instead rather collect logs through command line requests, the following commands are available in VDI client versions 5.15.10 and higher. These commands should be run either from within the folder where the ZoomVDITool is located, or ensure the command has the full file path of the ZoomVDITool executable.

ZoomVDITool.exe -collect
ZoomVDITool.exe -collect “C:\sample\sample\sample folder”
ZoomVDITool.exe -clear

Additionally, admins can include the wait command ( start -wait for Powershell and start /wait for CMD) to ensure the VDI log tool finishes its process before going to the next command.

For example:

start /wait ZoomVDITool -collect