Troubleshoot issues by using the VDI log tool to collect information from your VDI environment. The tool can be obtained by downloading the latest version of VDI and opening the installation folder.
Note: The application is commonly referred to as the VDI Log Tool, but the actual name of the application is ZoomVDITool.exe.
Note: Running the tool through command-line requires Zoom VDI version 5.15.10 or higher.
For admins wanting to avoid having their users run the log tool and would instead rather collect logs through command line requests, the following commands are available in VDI client versions 5.15.10 and higher. These commands should be run either from within the folder where the ZoomVDITool is located, or ensure the command has the full file path of the ZoomVDITool executable.
Collect logs from both VM and Zoom thin client and store logs in zip file on desktop:
ZoomVDITool.exe -collect
Collect logs from both VM and Zoom thin client and store logs in zip file in the specified path:
Note: Logs will not be collected if the path doesn’t exist.
ZoomVDITool.exe -collect “C:\sample\sample\sample folder”
Delete logs in both VM and Zoom thin client:
ZoomVDITool.exe -clear
Additionally, admins can include the wait command ( start -wait for Powershell and start /wait for CMD) to ensure the VDI log tool finishes its process before going to the next command.
For example:
start /wait ZoomVDITool -collect