Viewing your Zoom invoice history and invoice details
Account owners, admins, and users who have a role with billing permissions can view and download account invoice history in the Zoom web portal. Your invoices will reflect the products that are a part of your account’s subscription, including their quantity, price, and any applicable taxes.
To view your invoices, follow the steps below depending on where your billing portal is located in the left navigation menu of the Zoom web portal. Not sure where your billing portal is located? Learn how to locate your billing settings.
How to understand your invoice details
General invoice information
On the left side of the invoice, you can find the following information (as applicable):
Invoice Date
Invoice #
Payment Terms
Due Date
Account Number
Payment Method
Account Information
Account Legal Name
Sold To Address:The address and email address of the contact who uses the subscription (usually the account owner)
Bill To Address: The address and email address of the contact paying for the subscription Note: The billing contact and sold to contact email addresses listed on your invoice may not be the same as the account owner email address or your sign in email address.
On the right side of the invoice, you can find the following information (as applicable):
The Charge Details section lists all of your products, their quantities, and prices. Each product will include a SubscriptionPeriod, which is the period of time related to the charge.
The total reflects your Subtotal (does not include tax), Total (including taxes, fees, and surcharges), and your Invoice Balance. Your invoice balance is the amount that is currently due on the invoice.
Note: If your invoice has a Total (Including Tax) listed in parentheses, ex. ($1.00), then that amount is a credit. If you are on autopay, that credit will be automatically applied to future invoices. If you have Net terms, you must submit a request to Zoom Billing to apply that credit to an invoice.
Taxes, Fees & Surcharge Details section
The Taxes, Fees & Surcharge Details section provides a breakdown of which of your products were charged tax, what type of tax it was, and the amount of tax charged.
Transactions section
The Transactions section is available at the bottom of the invoice once a payment is made or a credit is applied to the invoice, and also includes the date and amount of the transaction.
Additional invoice and billing resources
Learn how to update your billing contact to change or add who will receive notifications when invoices are posted.