Dashboard for meetings and webinars

The Meetings and Webinars sections of the Dashboard allow you to view the current live meetings or webinars as well as past meetings or webinars being held. Past meetings and webinars can be exported to a CSV file. This overview will show if audio, video, screen sharing, and recording were being used in the meeting as well. You can also see the license types of each user on your account.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for using the Dashboard


How to use the Meetings tab

To access the Meetings tab of the Dashboard:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation panel, click Dashboard.
  3. At the top of the Dashboard screen, click Meetings.
  4. (Optional) Click Past Meetings to access historical meeting data.

Once on the Meetings tab, you will be shown the current live meetings or meetings that have been hosted on your account, which includes multiple columns of data. The default columns include:

Additional informational columns, including Scheduling Tracking Fields, can also be added to the view. To add more columns to the table:

  1. Click Customize in the top-right corner.
  2. Select the check box to the left of the desired fields to add them to your view.
  3. (Optional) You can also remove fields from your view by clearing the check box to the left of the fields.

Using the search field, you can search for meetings by the host's user name, email address, user group, meeting ID, or the meeting Topic

You can also click Issues Topic and select specific meeting issues to get a list of live or past meetings with participants that experienced a particular or multiple issues including audio, video, screen sharing, CPU, or disconnect and reconnect issues.

How to access meeting and participant details

To get a more detailed view of the meeting and the participants, select the meeting ID of a meeting in the Live Meetings or Past Meetings tabs. If the meeting had breakout rooms, click the Breakout Rooms Participants tab after selecting a meeting ID.

On the Meeting Details page, all current and past participants will be listed on the page, including the following information:

If it is a Live Meeting, clicking on the OverallAudio, Video, or Screen Sharing buttons will give current bitrate, latency, and jitter rates, as well as the current average and maximum packet loss. For Video, you can also view the video codec type.

Clicking on a participant’s name will also give a more detailed view of their connection. The top row gives the basic information about a participant's device:

Below you can view the detailed stats for Audio, Video, and Screen Sharing, including the bitrate, latency, jitter, as well as packet loss average and maximum. For Video, you can also view the video codec type. For Video and Screen Sharing, you can also view the resolution and framerate.

You can also view the CPU usage including the minimum, average, and maximum used by Zoom during the meeting/webinar, as well as the maximum used by the system (device) overall during the meeting. 

All of this information is also presented in graphical form. Using the slider below the graph, the amount of time presented on the graph can be reduced or increased to view a specific time during the meeting for troubleshooting purposes.

Advanced dashboard meeting features

How to Join Live as Assistant

During a live running meeting, an admin can use the Join Live as Assistant feature, which allows the admin to join into the meeting as a co-host if the host is currently logged in and is also in the meeting, and if the meeting has the co-host feature enabled. This enables an admin to assist with troubleshooting network, audio, and video issues. To use this option:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation panel, click Dashboard.
  3. At the top of the Dashboard screen, click Meetings.
  4. Search for the desired live meeting.
  5. Select the Meeting ID number of the meeting.
  6. Click Join Live as Assistant.

How to export data in CSV format

Past meeting information can be exported as a CSV file for record-keeping or analysis of your account’s usage. Either a list of meetings over a certain time period (up to 1 month) or the participant details of a particular meeting can be exported.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation panel, click Dashboard.
  3. At the top of the Dashboard screen, click the Meetings tab.
  4. Click Past Meetings.
  5.  To generate the desired report:
  6. Once the report has been processed, click Downloads at the top of the page.
  7. Click Meetings to access the generated reports.
  8. Click Download to download and view the report. 

How to generate the IP usage report

The IP usage report allows admins and owners to view a list of IP addresses participants are connecting from for any current live meetings running. To access the reports:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation panel, click Dashboard.
  3. At the top of the Dashboard screen, click the Meetings tab.
  4. Click IP Usage Report.

Here you will be shown:

Clicking on a number under the Meeting Count column will give a list of the current Meeting IDs those addresses are connected to.

How to use Quality settings

Account owners and admins can enable both meeting quality scores and network alerts on the Dashboard.


The Webinars section is similar to meetings. You can see live webinars in progress as well as past webinars.

To access the Webinar tab:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation panel, click Dashboard.
  3. At the top of the Dashboard screen, click Webinars.
  4. (Optional) Click Past Webinars to access historical meeting data.

All of the same information from participants in meetings will be shown for panelists in the webinar. For attendees, you can see a list of basic information, such as their name, device, IP address, location, network type, device, the time they joined/left, and the leave reason. 

Advanced features including IP Usage Reports, Join as Assistant, and exportable CSV reports are available for webinars as well.