Using network audio for Dante devices

The network audio feature allows you to use Dante-enabled devices when they are connected to the same network as your Zoom Rooms.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for using network audio for Dante devices


How to prepare your network

Review the following, as necessary:


Make sure the Zoom Rooms are on the same wired network (no wi-fi) as the Dante devices. Consider isolating your AV network with a local network switch and a USB-to-ethernet converter to allow the Zoom Rooms to be on both local and building networks. If an isolated AV network is not possible, consider setting up VLANs or Dante Domain Manager as needed to allow or restrict network access to your microphones.

When using Dante with a secondary network via a USB-to-Ethernet adapter, Zoom Rooms will always use the "first" network for Dante. To ensure Zoom Rooms can discover and connect to the desired network, look at the Zoom Room computer's network interface list, and make sure to connect the Dante network to the "first" interface on the list. You can also check Dante Controller to confirm which interface is connected to the Dante devices you want to route to the Zoom Room.

Zoom Rooms for Windows and macOS will be the software-based Dante connection point, so you don't need to add a third-party Dante hardware in-between the device, switch, and the computer for the Dante input/output.

The customer is always responsible for the security of the network when using this feature.

Note: Take every precaution possible, as we do not have built-in encryption between Dante devices and Zoom Rooms devices. For an example of full encrypted audio designs with networked audio, see:

How to enable network audio

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Room Management then Zoom Rooms.
  3. You can use the Zoom Rooms location hierarchy to set this as default for the account, location, or room. For this example, click Account Settings.
  4. Under Devices, click the Enable network audio devices toggle.

How to connect the Dante devices

Using Dante Controller

  1. Connect your device to the network you use for your Zoom Room.
  2. Tap Settings, then tap Microphone or Speaker, depending on the device you are using
  3. Select Network Audio Device as the (input or output) source. 
    • Microphone: Tap the toggle next to Use Dante Controller.
    • Speaker: The Dante Controller toggle will be selected by default. 
  4. Use Dante Controller to route audio to or from Zoom Rooms.

Using a Zoom Rooms controller (microphone only)

  1. Connect your device to the network you use for your Zoom Room.
  2. Tap Settings on your Zoom Rooms Controller, then tap Microphone
  3. Select Network Audio Device as the  source. 
  4. Ensure that the Use Dante Controller toggle is disabled.
  5. Select the devices and channels you would like to use. 
