Managing webinar attendees and panelists

As a host, managing your attendees and panelists effectively is crucial for a seamless and engaging webinar. You can manage both panelists and attendees with the Participants   icon in your host controls. This feature includes, but is not limited to:


Requirements for managing webinar attendees and panelists

Table of Contents

How to manage panelists in the participants panel

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop app.
  2. Start a webinar as the host.
  3. In the host controls, click the Participants icon .
    The Participants panel will appear.
  4. In the Participants panel, click the Panelists tab.
  5. Hover over a panelist to access the following options:



Ask to unmute

Mute a panelist if they're unmuted, or prompt them to unmute.


Note: The panelist must accept the prompt before the system can unmute them.

ChatOpens a chat window that allows you to send messages directly to the selected participant.
Lower handLower the participant's hand. Once lowered, their position in the queue will move down after others with raised hands.

Ask to start video


Stop video

Stop the panelist's video or request they turn it on.


Pin the video of the selected participant.

Make host

Assign the panelist to be the host.


Note: There can only be one host.

Make co-host


Withdraw co-host permission

Assign the panelist as a co-host. You can have unlimited co-hosts.

Change role to attendee

Change the panelist's role to an attendee.


Note: If you demote a panelist to an attendee, their join link is removed from the web. For recurring webinars, the change will apply to all occurrences. If you promote them back to a panelist, their panelist join link is re-added to the web.


Change the displayed name of the panelist.


Note: To change your own display name, hover over your name in the participants list and click Rename. This change is only for the current webinar. For a permanent change, update your name in your profile.

Speaking language

Select the speaking language for the webinar panelists to ensure accurate automated captions.

Change panelist appearance

Change the panelist's name tag, virtual background, and other details related to your webinar branding.

Allow to multi-pin

Allows the panelist to pin up to 9 videos within their webinar view.

Put on hold


Take off hold

Place or remove a panelist from hold.


Note: When a panelist is on hold, they won't hear, see, or share anything. Their screen will display, Please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon, along with the webinar name and date.


Remove the panelist from the webinar. They can’t rejoin unless you allow it.


Flag panelists for inappropriate behavior.

Assign to type closed captions

Assign the panelist to provide closed captions during the webinar.

Allow to record local files


Remove permission to record local files

Grant or revoke a panelist's ability to start or stop webinar computer recordings.


Note: Panelists don’t have access to start a cloud recording.

Additional options for panelists

Note: The following options appear at the bottom of the Panelists tab.

InviteAllows you to invite others to join your meeting.
Mute allMute all panelists and attendees who are allowed to speak.

Click More to access these options:

  • Ask all to Unmute: Send a prompt to unmute all panelists and attendees who you have given permission to talk. The attendees without permission to talk will remain muted.

  • Lower all panelists' hands: Lowers the hands of all panelists with their hands raised.

  • Enable reactions: Turn webinar reactions on or off.

  • Mute panelists upon entry: Upon entry, mute all new panelists. A dialog box will prompt you to choose whether they can unmute themselves.

    Note: Attendees are automatically muted upon joining and can’t unmute unless promoted to panelist or you allow them to talk.

  • Play join and leave sound: Play a chime whenever a new panelist or attendee joins or leaves the webinar.

  • Play chat messages and raise hand sound: Play a chime for new chat messages or when a participant raises their hand.

  • Lock webinar: Prevent new panelists or attendees from joining the webinar until you unlock it.

  • Enable Q&A: Turn webinar Q and A on or off.

  • Hide profile pictures: Hides the profile pictures used by panelists and displays their initials instead. Visible only when the panelist's video is off during the webinar.

  • Allow panelists to:
    • Unmute themselves: Enables panelists to unmute themselves.
    • Rename: Panelists can rename themselves in the webinar.
    • Start video: Allow panelists to start their video if they want. Unchecking this option won’t stop the video feed of any panelist already on.

  • Allow attendees to:
  • Attendee view:
    • Follow host’s view: Webinar attendees will switch to the view you set.
    • Speaker: Webinar attendees are switched to speaker view.
    • Gallery: Webinar attendees are switched to gallery view.

How to manage attendees in the participants panel


  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop app.
  2. Start a webinar as the host.
  3. In the host controls, click the Participants icon .
    The Participants panel will appear.
  4. In the Participants panel, click the Attendees tab.
  5. Hover over an attendee to access the following options:

Allow to talk


Disable talking

If you click Allow to talk, the attendee will be prompted to confirm if they want to unmute or stay muted. If they stay muted, click Ask to unmute to prompt them again. All participants will then be able to hear them.


Note: If you allowed an attendee to talk, you’ll see these options:

  • Mute or ask to unmute: Mute a participant if they're unmuted, or prompt them to unmute.
  • Disable talking: Mute the attendee and prevent them from unmuting themselves.
ChatOpens a chat window that allows you to send messages directly to the selected participant.
Lower handLower the participant's hand. Once lowered, their position in the queue will move down after others with raised hands.
Promote to panelistChange the attendee's role to a panelist.

Change the displayed name of the participant.


Note: To change your own display name, hover over your name in the participants list and click Rename. This change is only for the current webinar. For a permanent change, update your name in your profile.

RemoveRemove the attendee from the webinar. They can’t rejoin unless you allow it.
ReportFlag attendees for inappropriate behavior.

Additional options for attendees

Note: The following options appear at the bottom of the Attendees tab.

Lower all attendees’ handsClick to lower the hands of all attendees with their hand raised.