Customizing webinar registration

You can customize the registration process for webinars, such as approving attendees, enabling email notifications for registrations, adding a tracking pixel, and adding registration questions.

You can also customize the look of your registration page with branding or track traffic to your registration page by setting up source tracking. If using manual approval, you will need to manage your registrants and may need to resend email confirmations.

Requirements for customizing webinar registration

Table of Contents

How to manage Registration Settings

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Webinars.
  3. Click the topic of the webinar that you want to customize.
  4. Scroll down to the Invitations tab.
  5. In the Registration Settings section, click Edit on the right side.
    The Registration window will appear.

Registration tab

  1. In the Registration window, click the Registration tab.
    You'll have access to the following registration options:
  2. Click Save All.

Questions tab

Note: When the host or webinar organizer edits or changes the registration fields under the Questions and Custom Questions tab, registrants are required to re-register before attending the webinar.

  1. In the Registration window, click the Questions tab.
  2. Select the Registration Fields check boxes that you would like to include on your registration page.
  3. (Optional) Select the Required check box if you want to make that field required so that users will be unable to submit the form unless this field is completed.
  4. Click Save All.


Custom Questions tab

Note: When the host or webinar organizer edits or changes the registration fields under the Questions and Custom Questions tabs, registrants are required to re-register before attending the webinar.

  1. In the Registration window, click the Custom Questions tab to add questions to your registration page.
  2. Click New Question to add a question.
  3. Choose the type of question: Short answer, Single answer, or Multiple answers.
  4. Check whether the question is required.
  5. Enter the question.
  6. For single answer or multiple answer questions, enter the answer options.
  7. Click Create. Repeat the above steps to create more custom questions.
  8. Click Save All to save your customized registration.