Security and privacy with LTI Pro
This integration accesses and uses the following information from Zoom.
This article covers:
Meeting data
Meeting details for each meeting (meeting ID, topic, description, start time, timezone, alternative hosts, duration, meeting password, join link, meeting settings(video, audio, password, Enable join before host, Mute participants upon entry, Use Personal Meeting ID, Enable waiting room, Only authenticated users can join, Record the meeting automatically in the cloud, Enable additional data center regions for this meeting), meeting invitation which contains join instructions, schedule for which contain all of the user names who assign scheduling privilege to the host).
- This information is accessed and used to display details for a meeting within your LMS.
Upcoming meeting (Start time, topic, meeting Id, schedule for which contain all of the user names who assign scheduling privilege to the host) list.
- This information is accessed and used to find upcoming meetings and display them within your LMS.
Previous meeting (Start time, topic, meeting Id, scheduling privilege information) list.
- This information is accessed and used to find previous meetings and display them within your LMS.
Tracking fields
Tracking filed details (id, field, required, recommendedValues)
- Used to automatically add the tracking field when creating/updating/importing a meeting/
Recording information for each recorded meeting (meeting ID, topic, start time, timezone, recording files(file size, download/play link, password))
- Used to display recording information for a selected recording.
Recording (meeting ID, topic, start time, file size) list
- Used for retrieving and displaying recordings
Meeting Report for meetings (meeting Id, meeting topic, username, email, join time, leave time, duration, Attendance Score)
- Used to display meeting report details for a previous meeting.
Poll Report for each previous meeting (meeting Id, meeting topic, username, email, question, answer)
- Used to display poll report details for a previous meeting.
User detail (including user id, first name, last name, email, user type, PMI, timezone…)
- Used to:
- Check if one user has permission to use this app
- Get alternative hosts when creating a meeting
- Get schedulers of the current user
- Get assistants of the current user
Group Information (id, name)
- Used to automatically assign a user to a group.
Group member information (member id)
- Used to automatically assign a user to a group.
Managed/Trusted domains(domain)
- Used to automatically create a user.