VDI releases and downloads

Compatible plugins for this VDI release are listed below. Click the appropriate link for your environment to download the installer. 

Learn more about changes to the VDI release cycle

note icon
Zoom maintains support for older releases but security fixes may only be available for recent versions. For more information about supported versions please refer to our Software Quarterly Lifecycle Policy.


Auto-update release availability

The VDI deployment process has the following auto-update release availability:

Compatible plugins

*Plugins are only optimized for Zoom Meetings unless the (Phone and Meetings) text appears next to them. In this case, the plugin is optimized for both Zoom Phone and Zoom Meetings.

VDI clients -
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins



*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

VDI plugins -
Windows Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure, Amazon Workspaces, HP Anyware)


(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure/Windows 365*)

: Azure/Windows 365 and remote desktop support require using the x86 or x64 Remote Desktop Client application for this release. The ARM64 Remote Desktop Client is not supported.

macOS Universal installer

(Citrix, VMware)

(Requires macOS 10.15+)

Linux Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure*, HP Anyware**)

CentOS is not supported on Azure.

**Note: HP Anyware is only supported for HP ThinPro and Ubuntu

Linux eLux RP6 (x64) for Citrix and VMware  


VDI clients -
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins


*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

VDI plugins -
Windows Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure, Amazon Workspaces, HP Anyware)


(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure/Windows 365*)

: Azure/Windows 365 and remote desktop support require using the x86 or x64 Remote Desktop Client application for this release. The ARM64 Remote Desktop Client is not supported.

macOS Universal installer

(Citrix, VMware)

(Requires macOS 10.15+)

Linux Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure*, HP Anyware**)

CentOS is not supported on Azure.

**Note: HP Anyware is only supported for HP ThinPro and Ubuntu

Linux eLux RP6 (x64) for Citrix and VMware


VDI clients -
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins


*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

VDI plugins -
Windows Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure, Amazon Workspaces, HP Anyware)


(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure/Windows 365*)

: Azure/Windows 365 and remote desktop support require using the x86 or x64 Remote Desktop Client application for this release. The ARM64 Remote Desktop Client is not supported.

macOS Universal installer

(Citrix, VMware)

(Requires macOS 10.15+)

Linux Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure*)

CentOS is not supported on Azure.

Linux eLux RP6 (x64) for Citrix and VMware


VDI clients -
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins


*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.


VDI clients -
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins


*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

VDI plugins -
Windows Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure, Amazon Workspaces, HP Anyware)


(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure/Windows 365*)

: Azure/Windows 365 and remote desktop support require using the x86 or x64 Remote Desktop Client application for this release. The ARM64 Remote Desktop Client is not supported.

macOS Universal installer

(Citrix, VMware)

(Requires macOS 10.15+)

Linux Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure*)

CentOS is not supported on Azure.

Linux eLux RP6 (x64) for Citrix and VMware


VDI clients -
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins


*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

VDI plugins -
Windows Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure, Amazon Workspaces, HP Anyware)


(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure/Windows 365*)

: Azure/Windows 365 and remote desktop support require using the x86 or x64 Remote Desktop Client application for this release. The ARM64 Remote Desktop Client is not supported.

macOS Universal installer

(Citrix, VMware)

(Requires macOS 10.15+)

Linux Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure*)

CentOS is not supported on Azure.

Linux eLux RP6 (x64) for Citrix and VMware


Note: Plugins are grouped by operating system.

VDI clients version 
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins

*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

VDI plugins version 
Windows Universal Plugin

(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure, Amazon WorkSpaces, HP Anyware)


(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure/Windows 365*)

: Azure/Windows 365 and remote desktop support require using the x86 or x64 Remote Desktop Client application for this release. The ARM64 Remote Desktop Client is not supported.

macOS Universal Plugin

(Supports Citrix, VMware)

: This requires macOS 10.15+.

Linux Universal installers

(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure*)

CentOS is not supported on Azure.

Linux single plugin

(eLux 6 support for Citrix and VMware)


VDI clients -
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins


*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.


VDI clients -
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins


*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

VDI plugins -
Windows Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure, Amazon Workspaces, HP Anyware)


(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure/Windows 365*)

: Azure/Windows 365 and remote desktop support require using the x86 or x64 Remote Desktop Client application for this release. The ARM64 Remote Desktop Client is not supported.

macOS Universal installer

(Citrix, VMware)

(Requires macOS 10.15+)

Linux Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure*)

CentOS is not supported on Azure.

Linux eLux RP6 (x64) for Citrix and VMware


VDI clients -
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins


*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

VDI plugins -
Windows Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure, Amazon Workspaces, HP Anyware)


(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure/Windows 365*)

: Azure/Windows 365 and remote desktop support require using the x86 or x64 Remote Desktop Client application for this release. The ARM64 Remote Desktop Client is not supported.

macOS Universal installer

(Citrix, VMware)

(Requires macOS 10.15+)

Linux Universal installers

(Citrix, VMware, Azure*)

CentOS is not supported on Azure.

Linux eLux RP6 (x64) for Citrix and VMware


Note: Plugins are grouped by operating system.

VDI clients version
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins

*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

VDI plugins version 
Windows Universal Plugin

(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure, Amazon WorkSpaces, HP Anyware)


(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure/Windows 365*)

: Azure/Windows 365 and remote desktop support require using the x86 or x64 Remote Desktop Client application for this release. The ARM64 Remote Desktop Client is not supported.

macOS Universal Plugin

(Supports Citrix, VMware)

: This requires macOS 10.15+.

Linux Universal installers

(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure*)

CentOS is not supported on Azure.

Linux single plugin

(eLux 6 support for Citrix and VMware)

Note: Plugins are grouped by operating system.

VDI clients version
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins

*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

VDI plugins version 
Windows Universal Plugin

(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure, Amazon WorkSpaces, HP Anyware)


(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure/Windows 365*)

: Azure/Windows 365 and remote desktop support require using the x86 or x64 Remote Desktop Client application for this release. The ARM64 Remote Desktop Client is not supported.

macOS Universal Plugin

(Supports Citrix, VMware)

: This requires macOS 10.15+.

Linux Universal installers

(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure*)

CentOS is not supported on Azure.

Linux single plugin

(eLux 6 support for Citrix and VMware)

Note: Plugins are grouped by operating system.

VDI clients version
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins

*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

VDI plugins version 
Windows Universal Plugin

(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure, Amazon WorkSpaces, HP Anyware)


(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure/Windows 365*)

: Azure/Windows 365 and remote desktop support require using the x86 or x64 Remote Desktop Client application for this release. The ARM64 Remote Desktop Client is not supported.

macOS Universal Plugin

(Supports Citrix, VMware)

: This requires macOS 10.15+.

Linux Universal installers

(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure*)

CentOS is not supported on Azure.

Linux single plugin

(eLux 6 support for Citrix and VMware)

Note: Plugins are grouped by operating system.

VDI clients version
Release notes

Supported VDI plugins

*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

VDI plugins version 
Windows Universal Plugin

(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure, Amazon WorkSpaces, HP Anyware)
macOS Universal Plugin

(Supports Citrix, VMware)

: This requires macOS 10.15+.

Linux Universal installers

(Supports Citrix, VMware, Azure*)

CentOS is not supported on Azure.

Linux single plugin

(eLux 6 support for Citrix and VMware)


Download the VDI client version 5.17.14 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.17.14 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces

HP Anyware




Download the VDI client version 5.17.13 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.17.13 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.17.13 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces

HP Anyware




Note: This release is for the VDI host only. Due to this, there is no VDI plugin download available.

Download the VDI client version 5.17.12 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.17.12 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.17.12 release notes




The 5.17.10 and 5.17.11 VDI Zoom Meeting client releases have been replaced with version 5.17.12.

5.17.11 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces

HP Anyware




The 5.17.10 and 5.17.11 VDI Zoom Meeting client releases have been replaced with version 5.17.12.

5.17.10 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces

HP Anyware




Download the VDI client version 5.17.6 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.17.6 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.17.6 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces

HP Anyware




Download the VDI client version 5.17.5 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.17.5 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.17.5 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces

HP Anyware


5.16.16 (EP)


Note: This release is for the VDI plugins only. Due to this, there is no VDI host download available.



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces

HP Anyware

5.16.16 release notes


5.16.15 (EP)


Download the VDI client version 5.16.15 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.16.15 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.16.15 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces

HP Anyware


5.16.14 (EP)


5.16.14 release notes

Note: This release is for Windows plugins only and replaces the 5.16.13 (EP) release.

Citrix / VMware / Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC / Amazon WorkSpaces / HP Anyware


5.16.13 (EP)


Note: Due to a late-discovered issue, Zoom has removed this version and has provided the 5.16.14 (EP) release in order to replace and resolve any issues caused by the 5.16.13 release. 


5.16.12 (EP)


Download the VDI client version 5.16.12 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.16.12 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.16.12 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces

HP Anyware


5.16.11 (EP)


Download the VDI client version 5.16.11 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.16.11 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.16.11 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces

HP Anyware




Download the VDI client version 5.16.10 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.16.10 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.16.10 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces

HP Anyware




Download the VDI client version 5.16.0 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.16.0 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.16.0 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces


5.15.17 (EP)


Download the VDI client version 5.15.17 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.15.17 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.15.17 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces

HP Anyware


5.15.16 (EP)


5.15.16 release notes

Note: This release is for Windows plugins only. 

Citrix / VMware / Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC / Amazon WorkSpaces / HP Anyware


5.15.15 (EP)


Download the VDI client version 5.15.15 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.15.15 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.15.15 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces


5.15.14 (EP)


Download the VDI client version 5.15.14 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.15.14 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.15.14 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces


5.15.13 (EP)


Note: This is an extension patch (EP) release for the Linux VDI Plugin only. There is no update for the VDI client, or other OS versions. 

5.15.13 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC


5.15.12 (EP)


Download the VDI client version 5.15.12 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.15.12 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.15.12 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces


5.15.11 (EP)


Download the VDI client version 5.15.11 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.15.11 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.15.11 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces




Download the VDI client version 5.15.10 (32-bit) or the VDI client version 5.15.10 (64-bit)*
*Note: Switching to the 64-bit version will likely require a new Virtual Channel.

5.15.10 release notes



Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Amazon WorkSpaces