Obtaining VDI plugin information using WMI

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a system for managing data and operations, allowing admins to gather information about apps, such as the VDI plugin, being run by their users. 

Requirements for obtaining VDI plugin information using WMI

Note: PhoneInfo and CCIInfo require VDI client and plugin versions 6.2.10 or higher

Table of Contents

How to enable WMI for VDI

For the Zoom VDI client to support WMI, the EnableWMIProvider client registry setting must be enabled (1). Learn more VDI client registry settings.

Key: SOFTWARE\Policies\Zoom\Zoom Meetings\VDI
Value: EnableWMIProvider
Value Type: DWORD
Value Description: Specify a value of one (1) to enable the in-process WMI provider for the VDI client. Specify a value of zero (0) or not available to disable the provider.

How to gather data with WMI

An admin will need to use one of the following powershell WMI queries to collect the data shown below. 


Use the PluginInfo command to return information about the current VDI client version, operating system, thin client OS, Windows session ID, and more. For example, this query would be run as: 

 Get-WMIObject -N "root/zoom/vdi" -class PluginInfo

The following data is provided: 

SessionIdReturns the Windows logon session ID, which can be associated with a logon user name by an administrator.
InstalledVersionReturns the current version of the connected thin client.
PlatformTypeReturns the detected operating system: Windows, macOS, or Linux.
IsPluginDetectedDepending on whether the installed plugin is detected on a user’s device, this returns either a Yes (1) or No (0). 
IsConnectionOptimizedDepending on whether the connection to VDI client is currently optimized (offloading), this returns either a Yes (1) or No (0).
VDIClientVersionReturns the current version of the Zoom VDI client running on the VDI device.
Note: This requires version 5.11.0 or higher.  
PluginOsVersionReturns the current version of the thin client OS.
Note: This requires version 5.11.0 or higher.
ConnectionErrorReturns a plugin connection error.
PluginManagementOptOutStatusDepending on whether the user has opted out of installing updates, this returns either a Yes (1) or No (0). 
EnableVDIPluginAutoUpdateOptOutDepending on whether the user has enabled auto-updates for the plugin, this returns either a Yes (1) or No (0). 
PluginLabelReturns the label from the thin client.


Use the MeetingInfo command to return information about the current meeting status of the Zoom client on this device. For example, this query would be run as: 

 Get-WMIObject -N "root/zoom/vdi" -class MeetingInfo

The following data is provided: 

SessionIdReturns the Windows logon session ID, which can be associated with a logon user name by an administrator.
IsUserInMeetingGives info on whether a user is currently in a meeting on the device; this returns either a Yes (1) or No (0).
IsUserInCCIMeeting*Gives info on whether a user is currently in a Contact Center meeting on the device; this returns either a Yes (1) or No (0).

*Note: IsUserInCCIMeeting is available with version 6.2.10 or higher.


Use the LoginInfo command to return information about the current authentication status of the Zoom client on this device. For example, this query would be run as: 

 Get-WMIObject -N "root/zoom/vdi" -class LoginInfo

The following data is provided: 

SessionIdReturns the Windows logon session ID, which can be associated with a logon user name by an administrator.
IsUserLoggedInDepending on whether a user is currently signed-in in to a Zoom account on the device, this returns either a Yes (1) or No (0).


Note: This requires VDI client and plugin versions 6.2.10 or higher

Use the PhoneInfo command to return information about the current phone (call) status of the Zoom client on this device. For example, this query would be run as: 

 Get-WMIObject -N "root/zoom/vdi" -class PhoneInfo

The following data is provided: 

SessionIdReturns the Windows logon session ID, which can be associated with a logon user name by an administrator.
IsUserInPhoneDepending on whether a user is currently in an active phone call on the device, this returns either a Yes (1) or No (0).
IsUserInCCIPhoneGives info on whether a user is currently in a Contact Center phone call on the device; this returns either a Yes (1) or No (0).

Connection errors 

If there is a connection error returned for these commands, a numeric value is also provided to help admins with connections issues. The table below details the corresponding connection issue for each error code possible.      

Error codeConnection issue
3Plugin missing
4Virtual Channel denied
5Virtual Channel in use
6Plugin not recognized
7Virtual Channel timed out
8Plugin error (unknown)
9Plugin did not respond
10Plugin version less than required by admin
11Plugin version greater than client
12Plugin unavailable for second meeting
13Plugin error (unknown)
20Plugin version below global minimum version 

How to install/uninstall WMI App-V

Run the MOF file compiler (mofcomp.exe) command on the VDI client virtual machine after each new VDI client deployment release. This only needs to be done once for each new release.

To install, run the following command as administrator:

mofcomp.exe ZoomVDIProviderInstall.mof

To uninstall, use the uninstall file:

mofcomp.exe ZoomVDIProviderUninstall.mof
Note: Both ZoomVDIProviderUninstall.mof and ZoomVDIProviderInstall.mof files are in the ZoomVDI/bin install folder.