Mass-deploying with preconfigured settings for iOS

System administrators can use a mobile device Management (MDM) to remotely configure the Zoom mobile app on managed iOS devices. This allows admins to require use of certain settings or disable them entirely.

The mobile app can be enrolled in and managed through Zoom Device Management, which allows you to centrally control desktop client and mobile app settings in the Zoom web portal. 

Learn to install Zoom with preconfigured settings for Windows devices, macOS devices, and Android devices. You can also use Zoom’s own Device Management platform to centrally configure desktop client and mobile app settings.

Requirements for using MDM to configure Zoom on iOS

Note: While not required, not deploying an associated App Protection Policy will result in users being prompted to sign in to the Intune account upon every launch of the Zoom app. Upon first launch users will need to sign in with their Microsoft credentials, but including the App Protection Policy avoids any further Intune authentication prompts.

Table of Contents

Configuration options

Configuration keyDescriptionValue type
Install and update
SetEnrollToken4CloudMDMEnroll your device into Zoom Device Management with a token provided from the web portal.String
DisableCertPinDisable Certificate Pinning.Boolean
BandwidthLimitUpSet maximum sending bandwidth for the desktop client.
Note: If bandwidth is restricted through web settings, the web restrictions override restrictions set in the client.
BandwidthLimitDownSet maximum receiving bandwidth for the desktop client.
Note: If bandwidth is restricted through web settings, the web restrictions override restrictions set in the client.
EnableIndependentDataPortIf enabled, the client will use the following ports for media transmission:
Audio: 8803
Screen share: 8802
Video: 8801
DisableMultipleAccountsSwitchDisable the ability for users to be signed-in to multiple accounts and easily switch between them. If disabled, users must manually sign out and then sign in to another account.Boolean
DisableFacebookLoginRemove Facebook login option.Boolean
DisableGoogleLoginRemove Google login option.Boolean
mandatory:EnableAppleLoginAllow access to Apple login option.Boolean
DisableLoginWithSSORemove SSO login option.Boolean
DisableLoginWithEmailRemove Email login option.Boolean
Disable the Sign Up option on the Zoom app, which would otherwise be displayed with Join a Meeting and Sign In options upon opening the Zoom app.Boolean
ForceLoginWithSSODefaults login to SSO.Boolean
SetSSOURLSet the default SSO URL for SSO login.
For example, would be set as "SetSSOURL=hooli".
ForceSSOURLSet and lock the default SSO URL for SSO login.
For example, would be set as "ForceSSOUrl=hooli".
EnableEmbedBrowserForSSOUse embedded browser in the client for SSO.Boolean
DisableAutoLaunchSSOPrevent Zoom from automatically launching the previously used SSO URL. This is useful for users with multiple accounts, each having their own SSO URL.Boolean
mandatory:EnablePhoneLoginEnables login with phone authentication. (A)Boolean
mandatory:EnableAliPayLoginEnables login with Alipay authentication. (A)Boolean
mandatory:EnableWeChatLoginEnables login with WeChat authentication. (A)Boolean
mandatory:SetActivationCodeToForceLoginUses the activation code to sign in to the Zoom app as a Common Area phone.String
EnforceLoginWithMicrosoftRequire login with Microsoft authentication.Boolean
SetAccountIDsRestrictedToJoinRestrict the client to only join meetings hosted by the specified account IDs. (B)String
SetEmailDomainsRestrictedToLoginSet the email address domain that users can login with, each separated by "&".
Example: &
EnableCloudSwitchEnable the option to switch between Zoom commercial (default) and Zoom for Gov.Boolean
EnforceSignInToJoinRequire users to be authenticated before joining a meeting with the mobile app. Authentication can take place through the the web portal, if joining through join URL.

Note: This policy will interfere with joining meetings and webinars hosted by Zoom for Government (ZfG) accounts, unless the OverrideEnforceSigninIntercloud policy is enabled as well.
EnforceAppSignInToJoinRequire authentication on the mobile app to join any meeting on the mobile app.

Note: This policy will interfere with joining meetings and webinars hosted by Zoom for Government (ZfG) accounts, unless the OverrideEnforceSigninIntercloud policy is enabled as well.
EnforceSignInToJoinForWebinarRequire users to be authenticated before joining a webinar with the mobile app. Authentication can take place through the the web portal, if joining through join URL.

Note: This policy will interfere with joining webinars hosted by Zoom for Government (ZfG) accounts, unless the OverrideEnforceSigninIntercloud policy is enabled as well.

Require authentication on the mobile app to join any webinar on the mobile app.

Note: This policy will interfere with joining webinars hosted by Zoom for Government (ZfG) accounts, unless the OverrideEnforceSigninIntercloud policy is enabled as well.

SetDevicePolicyTokenRequire internal meeting authentication. (C)String
General meeting and client options
AlwaysShowMeetingControlsSet use of Always show meeting controls setting.Boolean
EnableAutoCopyConfInvitationURLEnables the Auto-Copy Invite Link option found within Meeting app settings.Boolean
DisableClosedCaptioningDisable the use of all captioning.Boolean
DisableAssignTypistDisable the ability for users to assign a participant the role of manually entering captions. This does not affect the use of automated captions or captions provided by a third-party service.Boolean
DisableQnADisable the use of Q&A in webinars.Boolean
DisableMeetingReactionsDisable the use of Meeting reactions.Boolean
DisableNonVerbalFeedbackDisable the use of Non-verbal feedback.Boolean
DisableWebinarReactionsDisable the use of Webinar Reactions.Boolean
Disable the use of Webinar Resources, which allows webinar hosts with the ability to link to external resources, such as newsletter sign-ups, learn more pages, and others.Boolean


Disable the ability for the host to broadcast a message to all open breakout rooms.Boolean
MeetingReminderDisplay reminder notifications for upcoming meetings.Boolean
AI Companion


Disable the in-meeting toolbar option for Meeting Summary.

If disabled, users will not be able see or interact with the AI Companion feature, but their audio will still be transcribed and available for questions by others.



Disable the in-meeting toolbar option for AI Companion.

If disabled, users will not be able see or interact with the AI Companion feature, but their audio will still be transcribed and available for questions by others.

DisableReceiveVideoDisable receiving video.Boolean
DisableVideoCameraDisable sending video.Boolean
TurnOffVideoCameraOnJoinAutomatically turn off camera when joining a meeting.Boolean
EnableFaceBeautyEnable Touch up my appearance.Boolean
Used in conjunction with EnableFaceBeauty, this allows you to set the exact intensity of the Touch up my appearance filter.String
Always show the video preview when joining a meeting.Boolean
DisableComputerAudioDisable and remove the Computer Audio from the meeting audio options.Boolean
AutoJoinVOIPAutomatically connect audio with computer audio when joining a meeting.Boolean
Screen sharing
DisableShareScreenDisable the ability to share your screen in meetings and webinars.
Note: This does not disable incoming screen sharing from other participants.
EnableBlurSnapshotBlur the view of other apps when switching between apps during screen share.Boolean
DisableWhiteBoardDisable Classic Whiteboard feature.Boolean
DisableInMeetingWhiteBoardDisable the Zoom Whiteboard feature in meetings and webinars.Boolean
DisableDesktopShareDisable the option to share your desktop when screen sharing.Boolean
In-meeting Chat
DisableMeetingChatDisable in-meeting chat.Boolean
Zoom Apps
DisableZoomAppsHide the Zoom Apps button.Boolean
Background and Filters
DisableVirtualBkgndDisable Virtual Background feature.Boolean
DisableVideoFiltersDisable Video filters feature.Boolean
EnableAutoReverseVirtualBkgndRequire post-meeting virtual background auto-reversal.Boolean
DisableCloudRecordingDisable recording to the cloud.Boolean
Zoom Room and Room System calling
DisableDirectShareDisable direct share with Zoom Rooms option.Boolean
NeedCallARoomDisplay the Call Room System button on the home screen of the desktop client.Boolean
Team Chat
DisableLinkPreviewInChatDisable link previews.Boolean
SetMessengerDoNotDropThreadMove messages with new replies to the bottom of the chat/channel.Boolean
PlaySoundForIMMessagePlay audio notifications when an IM message is received.Boolean
MuteIMNotificationWhenInMeetingMute chat system notifications when in a meeting.Boolean
DisableIMFileTransferRestricts the ability of users to send files through Team Chat, except for any domains provided in the AllowedIMFileTransferDomain policy.Boolean
AllowedIMFileTransferDomainAllows admins to specify domains that are allowed to send files through Team Chat when the DisableIMFileTransfer policy is enabled. Multiple domains can be separated by an &, for example:

Note: If the DisableIMFileTransfer policy is enabled and no domains are specified through this policy, file transfers through Team Chat are entirely disabled for all domains.
EmbedDeviceTagEmbed a specified device tag string for all HTTP requests from Zoom client application. This string will be appended to the head of the regular HTTP requests.String
SyncMeetingFromCalendarControls the Sync Zoom Meetings From Calendars setting in the mobile app.Boolean
SyncMeetingToCalendarPrevent users from syncing a newly scheduled meeting to their local calendars on their mobile device.Boolean
Intercloud Policies
OverrideEnforceSigninIntercloudOverride the following policies to allow users to join a Zoom meeting or webinar hosted on the Zoom for Government Cloud (ZfG Cloud) without the need to authenticate:
  • EnforceSignInToJoin
  • EnforceAppSignInToJoin
  • EnforceSignInToJoinForWebinar
  • EnforceAppSignInToJoinForWebinar


Disables all features except for audio and video for meetings hosted on the ZfG cloud.Boolean


Disables the use of in-meeting chat on meetings hosted on the ZfG Cloud.Boolean


Disables the local ability to share screen on meetings hosted on the ZfG Cloud.
This does not affect others' ability to shared content.


Disables the use of meeting reactions on meetings hosted on the ZfG Cloud.Boolean
Intercloud_DisableWhiteBoardDisables the use of in-meeting whiteboarding on meetings hosted on the ZfG Cloud.Boolean
Intercloud_DisableClosedCaptioningDisabled by default, this option disables the use of captioning features on meetings hosted on the ZfG Cloud.Boolean


Disabled by default, this option disables the use of polling in meetings hosted on the ZfG Cloud.Boolean


Disabled by default, this option disables the use of computer audio for connecting to meetings hosted on the ZfG Cloud.Boolean
Zoom Mesh
EnableMeshNetworkingControl client use of Zoom Mesh, even if deployed on your account and local network.Boolean


When utilizing Zoom Mesh, this policy allows admins to specify a valid IP address to be a UDP multicast IP for Zoom apps to declare themselves and detect each other in their local sub-network (
By default, is used, but admins can choose other IP addresses within the range of [,].


When utilizing Zoom Mesh, this policy allows an admin to specify a valid port to be used as the UDP multicast port to communicate with other Zoom Mesh nodes on the network.

The default port is 36699.



When utilizing Zoom Mesh, this policy allows a valid port range to be used to set up listen sockets for connection requests between Mesh parents and children nodes. The nodes will also use this range to send signals and media data.

The default port range is 18801-19800.



When utilizing Zoom Mesh, this policy allows users to join an external Webinar as a guest through another account's local Zoom Mesh-enabled network. Other requirements must be met, such as the device having the minimum supported client version for Mesh connections and the external account's associated account setting in the web portal also enabled.Boolean


Sample XML for Intune


Sample XML for AirWatch

<integer keyName="ForceLoginWithSSO">
<string keyName="SetSSOURL">
<integer keyName="MeetingReminder">
<integer keyName="mandatory:SyncMeetingFromCalendar">
<integer keyName="mandatory:TurnOffVideoCameraOnJoin">

How to configure with Intune

How to install Intune Company Portal on users' devices

  1. Install the Intune Company Portal app on your users' phones.
  2. Instruct your users to sign in to the Intune Company Portal app and follow the in-app instructions and allow the app to manage their devices.
  3. Instruct your users to install Zoom using the Intune Company Portal app.

How to add the Zoom for Intune app

  1. Sign in to the Intune Device Management dashboard.
  2. Under By platform, click iPadOS.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Under the App type, click the dropdown menu and select iOS store app.
  5. At the bottom of that panel, click Select.
  6. Use the search bar to find and select the Zoom for Intune app.
  7. Click Select.
  8. (Optional) Fill out the other fields as needed.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Assign the app to devices or groups as needed.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Review and click Create.
  13. In the left panel, click Apps.
  14. Under the Policy section, click App configuration policies.
  15. Click Add and select Managed devices.
  16. Enter the following information:
  17. Click Next.
  18. (Optional) Assign additional permissions, as needed.
  19. Enter the policies and their values, either through JSON upload or manual configuration.
  20. Click Next.
  21. Assign the configuration policy to the necessary users, groups, and/or devices.
  22. Click Next.
  23. Review and click Create.

Note: While not required, not deploying an associated App Protection Policy will result in users being prompted to sign in to the Intune account upon every launch of the Zoom app. Upon first launch users will need to sign in with their Microsoft credentials, but including the App Protection Policy avoids any further Intune authentication prompts.