Changing the account owner

If you are the current account owner, you can change the owner to another user on your account. Only the account owner can change the account owner. Admins are not able to make this change.

If the account owner is no longer with the company and you still have access to their email address, you can reset their password to gain access to the Zoom account.

If the account owner is no longer with the company and you cannot access their email, contact Zoom Support to change the owner. You will be required to verify your identity, relationship to the account, and billing information for your request to be considered.

You can check who the owner of your Zoom account is from the account profile page.

Requirements for changing the account owner

Note: Admins on Pro accounts that are not eligible for a CSM can also request to be the account owner. If no admins exist on the account, members will have to contact Zoom Support to change the owner.

Table of Contents

How to make the new owner an account admin

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click User Management then Users.
  3. Click Add Users to add the new owner, if they aren't already a member in the account.
    Note: They need to confirm their Zoom account and move from the Pending to Users section before you can give them admin privileges.
  4. Click Edit at the end of the row for the user you want to change to an admin.
  5. Change their User Role from Member to Admin.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Once the user exists on the account may be made an Owner on the Account.

Note: If needed, the new owner can remove the old owner from the account.

How to transfer owner permissions

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Account Profile.
  3. Click Change Owner.
  4. Enter the new owner's email address.
  5. Click Change.

How to request to be the account owner (Pro accounts only)

Account admins on Pro accounts can request to be the account owner, which will email the account owner for approval.

The account owner has 168 hours (7 days) to respond. During the 7-day period, Zoom sends emails daily to the account owner for approval (until the account owner responds). If the owner does not respond to any of the emails within the 7-day period, then the admin becomes the account owner. This does not apply to accounts which are eligible for a CSM, who will need to contact their CSM or account executive for assistance.

If the account owner is no longer with the company and the admins still have access to the Account owner's email, initiate a password reset and proceed in changing the account owner.

If the account admin has no access to the Account owner's email, contact Zoom Support to change the owner. You will be required to verify your identity, relationship to the account, and billing information for your request to be considered.

Note: If there are no admins on the account, members must contact Zoom Support to change the owner. You will be required to verify your identity, relationship to the account, and billing information for your request to be considered.