Release notes for Zoom Team Chat

Upcoming Release

Details about upcoming releases will be posted as they become available.


Current Release

For more details on associated releases, such as other features included in the release and exact version numbers, refer to the dedicated release notes by platform: 
Web | Windows | macOS | Linux | Android | Android for IntuneiOS | iOS for Intune | Zoom Web App

July 22, 2024

New and enhanced features

Previous Releases

Note: The information in the past release notes may have been superseded by subsequent release notes. Please review all current release notes carefully.

July 8, 2024

New and enhanced features

June 17, 2024

New and enhanced features

June 3, 2024

New and enhanced features

May 20, 2024

New and enhanced features

Note: The Support 250,000 members in Announcement channels, More granularity for Enable Team Chat setting and Badge notification enhancements features were pulled from release due to issues with deployment and will be available in an upcoming release.

April 15, 2024

New and enhanced features

Note: The Badge notification enhancements feature was pulled from release due to issues with deployment and will be available in an upcoming release.

February 26, 2024

New and enhanced features

January 22, 2024

New and enhanced features

December 18, 2023

New and enhanced features

November 20, 2023

Changes to existing features

New and enhanced features

Note: The Continuous Meeting Chat enhancements for external invitees, Chat with everyone” links embedded into meeting invites set up with Continuous Meeting Chat features, and Enhanced user presence in chats and channels have been pulled from release due to compatibility issues, and will be available in another upcoming release. 

October 23, 2023

New and enhanced features

Note: The Continuous Meeting Chat enhancements for external invitees and Ability to share a Zoom Whiteboard from Zoom Team Chat features for Zoom Team Chat has been pulled from release due to issues with deployment and will be available in another upcoming release.

October 2, 2023

Changes to existing features

September 18, 2023

Changes to existing features

New and enhanced features


September 5, 2023

Changes to existing features

August 21, 2023

New and enhanced features

August 11, 2023

Changes to existing features

June 19, 2023

Changes to existing features

New and enhanced features

May 29, 2023

New and enhanced features

April 27, 2023

New and enhanced features

Note: The Continuous Meeting Chat file and images synchronization feature has been pulled from release due to compatibility issues and will be available in another upcoming release. 

March 20, 2023

New and enhanced features

February 27, 2023

New and enhanced features