Testing the Zoom Phone Local Survivability service module

Once your organization has deployed the Zoom Phone Local Survivability service module and configured the Local Survivability service, administrators can simulate a failover to verify the service is working as intended. 

Requirements for testing a Local Survivability deployment

Table of Contents

How to test and validate a Local Survivability configuration

Note: Network connectivity to Zoom Cloud from the Zoom Node server can be verified via the Virtual Machine itself.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Node Management then click Modules.
  3. Click the drop-down button , and click Phone Local Survivability.
  4. Click on the Services tab.
  5. Locate the Local Survivability service, and click Start.
  6. Verify the status of the Node and Monitor agents' status is Running.
    Note: Network connectivity to Zoom Cloud from the Zoom Node server can be verified via the Virtual machine itself.

Simulating a failover

To test the Local Survivability service module, an internet outage will need to be simulated by disconnecting your internet connection or by creating firewall rules to block access to the Zoom Phone networks. To determine the Zoom Phone network, please reference the Zoom Support article for Network Firewall or Proxy Server Settings and refer to the Zoom Phone section for the IP addresses and port numbers you should block.

The Zoom desktop client and physical phones should detect network loss and connect to the local survivability node. The Zoom desktop clients, physical phones, and Zoom Phone Local Survivability module (ZPLS) will show a loss of connection as shown here:

To validate that the Zoom soft clients are registered to the Local Survivability service module, do the following on the Zoom client:

  1. Click on the Profile picture or icon in the upper right.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on Statistics.
  4. Click on Phone.
    Verify the Register Server IP/Port is that of your Zoom Node.

Testing Mode

Note: Testing Mode only supports testing with the Zoom Desktop Client. 

Admins can bypass creating firewall rules to simulate failover by enabling Testing Mode. Testing Mode removes the need to block cloud connectivity from the desktop client and ZPLS module. to enable Testing Mode:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the Navigation menu, click Phone System Management, then click Company Info.
  3. Click Account Settings.
  4. Under Zoom Node, locate Local Survivability.
  5. Click Manage.
  6. Enable Testing Mode.
  7. Restart the ZPLS module.
    New registrations from clients within the associated Site will register to the ZPLS module as opposed to the cloud.

Testing Mode is only active once the ZPLS module has been restarted. Users should log out and log back into the client in order to verify Local Survivability. Testing Mode is restricted to the Desktop client and does not affect physical devices.