Text & Image: Display text and images.
TEXT & IMAGE 1, TEXT & IMAGE 2, ...: Click the numbered icon to edit the associated set of text. Select one of these options:
Image 1, Image 2, …: Click the toggle to enable or disable an image. Select one of these options:.
Audio: Click the toggle to enable or disable audio to be played while displaying the text and images specified above. Select one of these options:
Browse asset library: Select an existing audio file from the asset library to use as the prompt.
Add new asset: Upload or create a new audio file to add to the asset library and to use as the prompt. Select one of these options:
Text to Speech: Enter the text you want to be spoken to the caller in the Message to Play text box.
Asset Language: Select the language for the text-to-speech message.
Select a Voice: Select the voice style for the text-to-speech playback.
Message to Play: Enter the message that will be read out to the caller.
Upload: Click Upload to upload an audio file to be played.
Record by Computer: Capture audio using the computer’s microphone.
Auto play the media (only visible if Audio is enabled): Click the toggle to enable or disable audio for consumers when media starts playing automatically.
- With audio on: Enable audio for the end consumer, so that when the widget is opened, the audio plays automatically along with the displayed media type.
- With audio off: Disable audio for the end consumer, so that when the widget is opened, the media plays automatically but without sound.
Allow interrupt: Click the toggle to enable or disable the option for consumers to click Skip while the audio above is playing. Regardless of this setting, consumers can click Skip after the audio is done playing to skip all slides and be routed based on the specified destination widget.
Allow Leave: Click the toggle to enable or disable the option for consumers to leave while going through the flow.
Next Step: Select the destination widget when the text/images are displayed.
Send Media Failed: Select the destination widget if the media failed to send to the consumer.
Video: Display videos.
Video 1, Video 2, …: Click the numbered icon to edit the associated video. Select one of these options:
Auto play the media (only visible if Audio is enabled): Click the toggle to enable or disable audio for consumers when the video starts playing automatically.
- With audio on: Enable audio for the end consumer, so that when the widget is opened, the audio plays automatically along with the video.
- With audio off: Disable audio for the end consumer, so that when the widget is opened, the video plays automatically but without sound.
Allow interrupt: Click the toggle to enable or disable the option for consumers to click Skip while the audio above is playing. Regardless of this setting, consumers can click Skip after the audio is done playing to skip all slides and be routed based on the specified destination widget.
Allow Leave: Click the toggle to enable or disable the option for consumers to leave while going through the flow.
End of media playing: Set the time between the ending of media playing and the transition to the next step. Enter a value or use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the default time for the end of media playback.
Next Step: Select the destination widget after the videos are displayed.
Send Media Failed: Select the destination widget if the media failed to send to the consumer.
Slide: Display PDF files.
Slides 1, Slides 2, …: Click the numbered icon to edit the associated set of text. Select one of these options:
Audio: Click the toggle to enable or disable audio to be played while displaying the PDF file specified above. Select one of these options:
Browse asset library: Select an existing audio file from the asset library to use as the prompt.
Add new asset: Upload or create a new audio file to add to the asset library and to use as the prompt. Select one of these options:
Text to Speech: Enter the text you want to be spoken to the caller in the Message to Play text box.
Asset Language: Select the language for the text-to-speech message.
Select a Voice: Select the voice style for the text-to-speech playback.
Message to Play: Enter the message that will be read out to the caller.
Upload: Click Upload to upload an audio file to be played.
Record by Computer: Capture audio using the computer’s microphone.
Auto play the media (only visible if Audio is enabled): Click the toggle to enable or disable audio for consumers when media starts playing automatically.
- With audio on: Enable audio for the end consumer, so that when the widget is opened, the audio plays automatically along with the displayed media type.
- With audio off: Disable audio for the end consumer, so that when the widget is opened, the media plays automatically but without sound.
Allow interrupt: Click the toggle to enable or disable the option for consumers to click Skip while the audio above is playing. Regardless of this setting, consumers can click Skip after the audio is done playing to skip all slides and be routed based on the specified destination widget.
Allow Leave: Click the toggle to enable or disable the option for consumers to leave while going through the flow.
Next Step: Select the destination widget after the PDF files are displayed.
Send Media Failed: Select the destination widget if the media failed to send to the consumer.