Adding a disposition or note
Zoom Contact Center agents can add a disposition to the engagement after the engagement ends with the agent. You can also add a disposition after you transfer a voice engagement to an external party, Zoom Phone user, Zoom Phone call queue, or Zoom Phone voicemail. Dispositions allow you to assign an outcome or topic to each engagement. For example, a follow-up disposition indicates you need to follow up with the consumer.
You can also add a note to engagements as general information for other agents or supervisors to reference. For example, you can add a note to explain why you selected a certain disposition. Notes are listed by the agent assigned to the engagement in chronological order, then by the published timestamp of each note. If agents edit an existing note, this will not impact the order of the notes.
Requirements for adding notes or dispositions
Note: Dispositions and notes are supported on all channels (voice, video, messaging, and email).
How to add a disposition
- Sign in to the Zoom desktop app.
- Receive an inbound voice/video, messaging or email engagement. You can also make an outbound voice call, video call, SMS or email.
- End the engagement.
- You will be redirected to the Engagement tab in the active engagement window.
- In the left-side panel, the engagement will move to the MESSAGING WRAP-UP section for chat and SMS engagements. It will remain in the ACTIVE section during the wrap-up duration for voice and video engagements.
- Click the Dispositions drop-down menu and select a disposition. If your admin set up mutli-level dispositions to organize dispositions, you will see a right arrow before the name. Click the name to expand the mutli-level disposition and select an appropriate disposition.
- Click Done.
In the left-side panel, the engagement will move to the COMPLETE section. - (Optional) Add a note to explain.
How to add a note
- Sign in to the Zoom desktop app.
- Receive an inbound voice/video, messaging or email engagement. You can also make an outbound voice call, video call, SMS or email.
- In the Add note section, enter your note, then click Publish.
Your notes will appear in the Published notes section. Your notes are attached to the engagement, not the consumer or contact. The most recent notes will appear first in the Published notes section. - (Optional) Click the pencil icon
to edit your note, then click Save.
Your note will have an updated timestamp. This will also appear for other agents so they know you’ve edited the note.