Using Zoom Webinars with the Zoom for Salesforce app


The Zoom for Salesforce app automatically creates Salesforce campaigns when you create Zoom Webinars and uses the webinar name as the campaign title.

With this Salesforce integration for Zoom Webinars, you can do the following: 

For information about creating Zoom Webinars, see Scheduling a webinar with registration.

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Accounts using this Zoom for Salesforce app can begin migrating to the new Zoom for Salesforce Lightning app, which will be supported long-term and supports additional Zoom products, including Zoom Meetings, Zoom Webinars, Zoom Phone, Zoom Contact Center, and Zoom Events. 

Learn more about how to migrate Zoom Meetings records, Zoom Webinars records, and Zoom Phone records in order to maintain historical records for interactions with contacts and leads. 

This article covers:

Prerequisites for using Zoom Webinars with the Zoom for Salesforce app

How to register webinar attendees

You can register attendees by: 

How to add contacts and leads to webinars

Note: You must have the Add to Webinar button to your contacts and leads layouts.

  1. From your contacts and leads pages, select up to 10 persons at a time.
  2. Click Add to Webinar.
    The integration will display a list of your current webinars.
  3. Select a webinar.
  4. Click Invite to send a registration link.
  5. Click Register to automatically add them to the webinar.

Note: Ensure that the leads and contacts have value for these fields: first name, last name, and email, and any other required fields you have set for the webinar registration.

How to add the Add to Webinar button to contacts and leads layouts

You can add the list button Add to Webinar to the contact and lead search layouts.

  1. Sign in to your Salesforce account.
  2. Find and access your lead and contact search layouts.
  3. Select List View layout.
  4. Click the dropdown and select Edit.
    The screen displays the Custom Buttons section.
  5. In the Available Buttons box, select Add to Webinar.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click Save.

How to sync Zoom Webinars registrants to Salesforce campaigns

The integration automatically syncs the webinar and registration information from your Zoom Webinars portal to your Salesforce campaign.

When the integration syncs the webinar information to Salesforce, it automatically:

Ensure that the Salesforce administrator has configured the following Zoom Webinars settings

Manually sync Zoom Webinars to Salesforce

Optionally, you can use the Sync Webinar from button to initiate the sync process.

  1. In Salesforce, click the Zoom Webinars tab.
  2. Select the webinar you want to sync.
  3. In the top-right corner, click the dropdown and select Sync Webinar from