Managing your Zoom Events sold-to address

If you are a business, your sold-to address is typically where your business is established. If you are an individual, your sold-to address is typically where you normally reside. Your address is used to calculate tax and for other purposes as stated in the Zoom Events Privacy Statement.

Requirements for managing a sold-to address

Table of Contents

How to edit your sold-to address

Your address is used to calculate tax and for other purposes as stated in the Zoom Events Privacy Statement. Currency (USD - $) is determined by the country/region selected below.

Under the Billing tab of the hub you want to manage, you can edit the sold-to address.

  1. Sign in to Zoom Events.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click the top dropdown arrow  and select the hub you want to manage.
  3. In the navigation menu, click Settings, then click Billing.
  4. Click the Billing Information tab.
  5. Under Billing Address, enter the required address information.
  6. Click Save.