Requesting a local number port (EMEA)

A number port allows you to move your existing number from one Telecommunications Service provider to Zoom Phone. 

This article covers:

Prerequisites for a local number port in the EMEA region

Considerations when porting an EMEA phone number

Requesting a number port


  1. Download and complete the required Letter of Authorization (LOA) from the respective country.
    • See the porting guide if you need help.
    • If you currently have trial/temporary numbers and would like to swap them when the port completes, please complete the Number Swap Sheet. Numbers swapped in will be a like for like replacement of the numbers swapped out.
  2. Submit your order Here and make sure to follow the steps below:
    • Please select your request type: Zoom Phone Number Porting
    • Your email address: Type your email address and make sure the email address is accurate
    • Product: Click the drop-down arrow and make one of the following selections:
      • Zoom Phone: To port phone numbers to Zoom Phone
      • Zoom Contact Center: To port phone numbers to Zoom Contact Center
    • Type of issue: New Number Port
    • Porting Country: Select the desired country to port
    • Porting Number Quantity: Select the range of quantity of numbers to port
    • Subject: (Keep it as is)
    • Description: Please make sure the details below are present for a smooth transaction-
      • Zoom Phone Account Number
      • Additional details and instructions
        • Add a note if the order is for the BYOC number port.
        • Let us know if any of the porting numbers are for Contact Center.
        • You can use this form to request a migration from Zoom Phone to Zoom Contact Center.
    • Attachments:
      • Completed and hand/wet signed or electronically signed using DocuSign or Adobe LOA. See the Requirements table below
      • Recent telephone bill relating to your porting numbers invoice (should be dated within the last 3 months)
      • Any other required documentation applicable to the country of port
  3. Zoom will review and confirm receipt of the request and provide an update as the order progresses.
    Please ensure you have sufficient licenses in available status in your Zoom Phone account, one license is required per porting number
  4. Zoom will send a request to your service provider to validate the information on the LOA, as the transfer request is dependent on your service provider. Your request will either be approved or rejected:
    • Rejected: If rejected, Zoom will inform you that your porting request was unsuccessful. Rejection can occur due to a variety of reasons. The Zoom porting team will provide you with the cause and how to resolve the rejection (which may require contacting your current carrier to resolve the issue).
    • Approved: If approved, Zoom will inform you that your porting order has been approved with a date for when your number will be transferred to Zoom, and the numbers will be available on or before the day of port for you to manage in the Zoom web portal.



Use this table to download the LOA form when requesting a number port. Check the porting guidelines for the country of port for other required documentation.

Please raise one email per LOA / per country of port.

CountryLOA and guideLocal address requirementsHand-signed and DocuSign acceptedProducts

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersOnly hand-signed
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersOnly hand sign
  • Zoom Phone only

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersOnly hand sign
  • Zoom Phone
Czech Republic Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbers


  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbers


  • Zoom Phone
    Zoom Contact Center
Finland Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Address in FranceYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersOnly hand sign
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center
Hungary Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Address in LatviaOnly hand sign
  • Zoom Phone

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center
Netherlands Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center


LOA Guide

See additional requirements

Address in Poland

Match area code of porting numbers

Only hand sign

  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center
Slovakia Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center
Slovenia Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center
South Africa

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbers

Only hand sign

  • Zoom Phone

See additional requirements

Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

Address in Sweden

Match area code of porting numbers

Only hand sign

  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center
Switzerland Match area code of porting numbersYes
  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center
United Kingdom

See additional requirements

Address in the UK
(match losing carrier records)


  • Zoom Phone
  • Zoom Contact Center

Additional requirements/documents


Valid proof of ID are as follows:


If your local telephone numbers are currently provided by a reseller, please ask your reseller to let you know the losing carrier name in Belgium to help speed up the number transfer process.

VAT number is required for porting.


DDI blocks/ranges cannot be split and must be ported as full. Please speak to your current supplier for your full allocation of physical numbers.

Mandatory requirements:


Required company documents:

Required residential documents:

Other requirements:


Number portability is available only for legal entities based in Cyprus.

Please complete all fields in the LOA.

PAC code is always required. If the PAC code is not visible on the invoice from your losing supplier, please contact them to obtain this.

Official confirmation of porting is usually received from the losing supplier one to two business days before the port date.

Proof of ID:

Czech Republic

DDI blocks/ranges of numbers cannot be split by the losing carrier and therefore, must be ported in full. Please contact your current phone provider for your full allocation of numbers.


For Business customers:


LOA template must include a local address. If a company, a business number is required.


If your local telephone numbers are currently provided by a reseller, please ask your reseller to let you know the losing carrier name in France to help speed up the number transfer process.


If the end user is an individual:

For a business end user:

*Valid proof of address can be:


Porting is supported for business customers only. You must have a business registered in Germany with supporting documentation and a local address.

DDI blocks/ranges of numbers cannot be split by the losing carrier and therefore, must be ported in full. Please speak to your current phone provider for your full allocation of physical numbers.

A recent copy of your telephone bill is required (dated within the last 3 months).

Requirements for porting LOA:

Mandatory supporting documentation:

To validate a submission, we will need a copy of the following documents from you:

Additional proof of address:

*Valid proofs of ID are as follows:

If the individual is not listed on one of the above documents, we would need to receive, in addition, a document that links the individual to the company such as a letter with the company letterhead confirming that he/she is the authorised representative for the company and signed by their management or HR.


Proof of ownership of the porting numbers is required to port numbers in Greece along with the required documentation as detailed below.

For all customers:


Required company documents

Required residential documents


A local address that matches the area code of the porting numbers is required. You can enter the billing address in the top right of the LOA under Address as shown on the most recent bill from the telecommunications supplier. Please ensure the required local address, including Eircode, is added next to the porting numbers or in your email to Zoom's porting team.

For multiple site/area code porting, please ensure the corresponding address is noted alongside the porting numbers. You can use an additional sheet if required.


Please complete and sign the LOA, once we receive this from you along with your supporting documentation, we will send this to our supplier to carry out a number portability check prior to submitting the port request to the losing carrier. If numbers can be ported, we will advise you of the estimated port date.

Losing suppliers have the option to reject orders on the day of port. We will keep you informed if we receive any notifications.

For all customers:

If the end user is an individual:


Note: Port requests cannot be altered (cancelled/changed) once accepted.

The LOA must be signed and stamped in both places, without this the LOA cannot be accepted for porting.

One LOA per area code of numbers.

DDI blocks / ranges cannot be split and must be ported in full. Ranges can only be in blocks of 10, 100 or 1000 numbers. If in doubt, please clarify your number allocation with your current supplier.

The migration code from the losing supplier is required on all ports and must be noted on the LOA.

The secret code should be at least 13 characters.

Address and ID requirement

If the end user is an individual:

For a business end user:

In addition, the following details of an authorized representative are required:


The address on the LOA must be within Latvia.

Numbers will be ported as configured by the losing supplier.

Proof of address is required.

Mandatory documents:

Valid proof of address issued in the last 6 months (one of the following):


VAT number and local address are required on the LOA. You may be asked to provide proof of identification.

Required documents:


The account number is mandatory.

The LOA should note your main billing telephone number only, please contact your current supplier to find out what this is.

If you wish to provision extensions of this main billing number onto your Zoom Phone account, please let us know the extensions at the time of submitting your porting request to us. You can do this by listing the numbers in your email or by attaching them on an Excel document.


Porting is not supported for mobile numbers. Porting is only supported for business customers.

Required documents:



Once we receive your number porting request, we will send you an additional document that will need to be completed and signed.

Required documents:

Other requirements:

The signature (or signatures) must be from the person or persons that are legally empowered to sign on behalf of the Company to which the phone numbers were assigned by the Operator.


The contract number is required.

Required documents:

South Africa


If your local telephone numbers are currently provided by a reseller, please ask your reseller to let you know the losing carrier name in Spain to help speed up the number transfer process.


All UK Local numbers are registered to a UK address, if you do not know the address associated with your numbers, please speak to your current service provider for assistance.

Required documents for Local numbers:

Required documents for 03 UK-wide numbers:

We can port 03 numbers with the following prefixes only: 0330, 0333, 0300, 0303. We do not support the porting for 0345 numbers. 

Please use the appropriate LOA for each number type (one LOA for Local numbers, one LOA for 03 UK-wide numbers, and one LOA for Freephone numbers).

We can accept hand/wet signed or electronically signed using DocuSign, or Adobe.

Lead times

Lead times for all EMEA ports are dependent on the regulatory requirements in the country of port and the responsiveness of the suppliers in the chain. The process is also dependent on the accuracy of the information provided. We will always keep you advised of progress.

Note: On the day of transfer, you will experience some loss of service to incoming calls during the port activation window while the numbers are being ported from the losing supplier. Porting can take place sooner or later than the lead times quoted.


Porting in the UK takes an average of 30 business days, we can port sooner or later than this.

South Africa

Porting usually takes an average of 45 days from the day of LOA submission to the losing carrier.


Average lead time is 30 to 60 business days. This may also depend on any contractual obligations with your losing provider. We can port sooner or later than this.


With all porting, it is advisable to plan ahead and minimise change requests to your port dates in order to reduce the risk of numbers porting when you are not ready since some countries/carriers cannot accept date change requests.