Customizing webinar email templates and settings

With webinar branding, you can customize the emails sent out to the panelists, registrants, attendees, and absentees of the webinar. The emails are coded in HTML and FreeMarker Format.

You can also customize your webinar registration page.

Note: The Webinar Invite Attendee Email, Webinar Invite Attendee Email (without registration), and Webinar Invite Panelist Email templates can be modified under the Meeting tab of Account Settings as well.

Requirements for customizing webinar email templates and settings

Note: For Pro accounts, webinar confirmation and reminder emails are sent from Zoom, and the From field cannot be modified.

Table of Contents

How to customize email templates for all webinars in the account

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Account Settings.
  3. Click the Webinar tab.
  4. Under Emails, expand the Advanced email templates drop-down menu, then click Edit next to the email template you would like to customize. See the email variables for more information.
  5. (Optional) In the You are editing email content in drop-down menu, select the language you would like to customize the email templates for. Each language has its own set of email templates.
  6. Click Done when you're done editing the code.
  7. Click Preview to check your changes.
  8. Click Send me a preview email to check your changes.

Note: If you need to restore the email to the original template, click Edit next to the email template and click Restore.

How to change webinar email settings for all webinars in the account

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Account Settings.
  3. Click the Webinar tab.
  4. Under Emails, scroll down to the Emails section, then click Edit next to the settings to change whether these emails are sent by default:
    Note: The text you see in the web portal will change depending on the current setting. Refer back to the webinar email templates to see the email template that each setting affects.

How to change webinar email settings for a specific webinar

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Webinars
  3. Click the topic of the webinar that you want to edit.
  4. Click the Email Settings tab.
  5. Click Edit next to the settings to change whether these emails are sent:
    Note: The text you see in the web portal will change depending on the current setting. 

*Note: Confirmation, reminder, and follow-up emails are only sent when webinar registration is required.

Webinar email templates

You can customize the following webinar email templates:

Email variables