Using Q and A in Zoom Meetings

The question & answer (Q&A) feature for meetings allows participants to ask questions during the meeting, and for the host and co-hosts to answer their questions either privately, for everyone, or mark them as something to be answered live.

After the meeting has ended, you can generate a Q&A report for further analysis.

Q&A is also available for use in Webinars.

Requirements for using Q&A in Meetings

Table of Contents

How to schedule a meeting with Q&A

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Meetings.
  3. Choose to edit an existing meeting or schedule a new meeting.
  4. Under Meeting Options, select the check box to enable Q&A.
    Note: If the option is missing, it has been disabled at the account level, and you will need to contact your Zoom administrator.
  5. Click Schedule.

Edit Q&A options

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Meetings.
  3. Click the topic of your meeting.
  4. At the top of the meeting details, click the Q&A tab.
  5. Click Edit to adjust the following settings:
  6. Click Save.
    Note: These options can also be configured by the host in the live meeting.

How to manage Q&A during a meeting

Windows | macOS | Linux

Answer submitted questions

  1. As the host or co-host, click Q&A in the meeting controls.
    All submitted questions will be listed, with questions submitted by attendees external to the account indicated by (Guest) next to their name.
  2. Find the question you would like to answer:
    • Click Answer Live to mark the question as something that will be answered out loud during the meeting.
    • Click Type Answer to provide a written response for the participant. Type your answer and click Send.
      Note: If you allow participants to comment on questions, the questions will still appear in the Open list and can be responded to, even if a participant has commented on the question.
    • (Optional) Select the Send Privately checkbox before clicking send, if you would like to answer to the participant only.

Dismiss questions

  1. As the host or co-host, click Q&A in the meeting controls.
  2. Hover over the question that you would like to dismiss and click the ellipsis icon .
  3. Tap Dismiss or Delete.
    Dismissed questions will no longer be visible to participants and moved to the Dismissed tab for the host and co-hosts, while deleted questions will be fully deleted and cannot be reopened.

Reopen dismissed questions

  1. As the host or co-host, click Q&A in the meeting controls.
  2. Click the Dismissed tab.
  3. Find the question you would like to reopen and click Reopen.

Change Q&A settings during a live meeting

  1. As the host or co-host, click Q&A in the meeting controls.
  2. In the top-right corner of the Q&A window, click the gear to open the settings window.
    • Allow anonymous questions: Check this option to allow participants to send questions without providing their name to the host and co-hosts.
    • Allow participants to view: Check either if you want attendees to be able to view answered questions only or view all questions.
      • If you choose for participants to view all questions, you can then enable the following options:
        • Participants can upvote: Participants can view all submitted questions and upvote questions important to them. This can help point out to the host and co-hosts questions that more participants want the answer to.
        • Participants can comment: Participants can view all submitted questions and add additional comments.
Android | iOS

Answer questions

  1. As the host or co-host, tap the More option in the meeting controls.
  2. Tap Q&A to view all submitted questions.
    All submitted questions will be listed, with questions submitted by attendees external to the account indicated by (Guest) next to their name.
  3. Find the question you would like to answer:
    • Tap Answer Live to mark the question as something that will be answered out loud during the meeting.
    • Tap Type Answer to provide a written response for the participant. Type your answer and tap Send.
      Note: If you allow participants to comment on questions, the questions will still appear in the Open list and can be responded to, even if a participant has commented on the question.
      • (Optional) Select the Send Privately checkbox before clicking send, if you would like to answer to the participant only.

Dismiss questions

  1. As the host or co-host, tap the More option in the meeting controls.
  2. Tap Q&A to view all submitted questions.
  3. Long-tap the question you want to dismiss until the options appear.
  4. Tap Dismiss or Delete.
    Dismissed questions will no longer be visible to participants and moved the Dismissed tab for the host and co-hosts, while deleted questions will be fully deleted and cannot be reopened.

How to reopen dismissed questions

  1. As the host or co-host, tap the More option in the meeting controls.
  2. Tap Q&A to view all submitted questions.
  3. Tap the Dismissed tab.
  4. Long-tap the question you want to reopen until the options appear.
  5. Tap Reopen.

Change Q&A settings during a live meeting

  1. As the host or co-host, tap the More option in the meeting controls.
  2. Tap Q&A to view all submitted questions.
  3. In the top-right corner of the Q&A window, tap the gear wheel icon :
Web app

Answer submitted questions

  1. As the host or co-host, click Q&A in the meeting controls.
    All submitted questions will be listed, with questions submitted by attendees external to the account indicated by (Guest) next to their name.
  2. Find the question you would like to answer:
    • Click Answer Live to mark the question as something that will be answered out loud during the meeting.
    • Click Type Answer to provide a written response for the participant. Type your answer and click Send.
      Note: If you allow participants to comment on questions, the questions will still appear in the Open list and can be responded to, even if a participant has commented on the question.
    • (Optional) Select the Send Privately checkbox before clicking send, if you would like to answer to the participant only.

Dismiss questions

  1. As the host or co-host, click Q&A in the meeting controls.
  2. Hover over the question that you would like to dismiss and click the ellipsis icon .
  3. Tap Dismiss or Delete.
    Dismissed questions will no longer be visible to participants and moved the Dismissed tab for the host and co-hosts, while deleted questions will be fully deleted and cannot be reopened.

Reopen dismissed questions

  1. As the host or co-host, click Q&A in the meeting controls.
  2. Click the Dismissed tab.
  3. Find the question you would like to reopen and click Reopen.

Change Q&A settings during a live meeting

  1. As the host or co-host, click Q&A in the meeting controls.
  2. In the top-right corner of the Q&A window, click the gear to open the settings window.
    • Allow anonymous questions: Check this option to allow participants to send questions without providing their name to the host and co-hosts.
    • Allow participants to view: Check either if you want attendees to be able to view answered questions only or view all questions.
      • If you choose for participants to view all questions, you can then enable the following options:
        • Participants can upvote: Participants can view all submitted questions and upvote questions important to them. This can help point out to the host and co-hosts questions that more participants want the answer to.
        • Participants can comment: Participants can view all submitted questions and add additional comments.