Adding Zoom Events business information

Certain countries require hosts to provide information about their business for tax compliance validation and booking purposes. As an account admin, hub owner, or host who is also the account admin and/or hub owner, you can add information about your business to the corporate account and the hub account.

Note: You must complete business information to publish available events in India.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for adding business information

How to manage corporate-level account information

Add business information to the corporate account

  1. Sign in to Zoom Events as the hub owner.
  2. At the top of the left navigation menu, click the Account tab.
  3. In the navigation menu, click Billing.
  4. Click the Business Information tab.
  5. Click Get Started.
  6. Click For hosting free events in India to provide contact info for registrants in India.
    A window will open to add the business information.
  7. In the window, enter the business information:
  8. Click Save.

Edit business information listed to the corporate account

  1. Sign in to Zoom Events as the hub owner.
  2. At the top of the left navigation menu, click the Account tab.
  3. In the navigation menu, click Business Information.
  4. On the Business Information page, click Edit.
  5. Edit the fields that need to be updated.
  6. Click Save.

How to manage hub-level account information

Add business information to the hub account

  1. Sign in to Zoom Events as the hub owner.
  2. At the top of the left navigation menu, click the Hub tab.
  3. In the left navigation menu, click the top dropdown arrow  and select the hub you want to manage.
  4. Under the hub you want to manage, click Settings, then click the Business Information tab.
  5. Click Get Started.
    A window will appear to add the business information.
  6. In the window, enter the business information:
  7. (Optional) Click Use Corporate Business Information to use the business information listed in the corporate account.
  8. Click Save.

Edit business information listed in the hub account

  1. Sign in to Zoom Events as the hub owner.
  2. At the top of the left navigation menu, click the Hub tab.
  3. In the left navigation menu, click the top dropdown arrow  and select the hub you want to manage.
  4. Under the hub you want to manage, click Settings, then click the Business Information tab.
  5. On the Business Information page, click Edit.
  6. Edit the fields that need to be updated.
  7. Click Save.