Customizing the Collect Input widget

Contact center admins can add and edit the Collect Input widget. The Collect Input widget allows you to collect inputs like key presses from engagements. For example, you can create an IVR menu that routes to a certain queue when consumers press 1.

For video flows, the Collect Input widget displays a prompt to consumers before they enter the Waiting Room. The prompt can display an image or video, and consumers can use the prompt's text box to enter text. For example, you can ask consumers to input the language they would like to be served in, then route them to a certain queue.

This article covers: 

Prerequisites for customizing the Collect Input widget

How to add and edit the Collect Input widget

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Flows.
  3. Click a flow's display name to edit it.
  4. In the left-side widgets panel, click and drag Collect Input onto the preferred location in the flow.
  5. Select the Collect Input widget.
  6. (Optional) In the right-side panel, click Rename to change the display name of the widget.
  7. In the Settings tab, select an input method in the Collect Input drop-down menu.
  8. Customize the associated settings and exits.

Collect Input widget settings

Collect Input optionsSettings tabExits tab

IVR: Collect a keypress or voice input using an interactive voice response (IVR) system.


(only available for voice channel)

Audio Prompt: Click the numbered icon to edit the associated audio. You can add up to 10 audio prompts. Select one of these options in the drop-down menu. 
  • Text To Speech: Enter text which will be spoken to the caller in the Message to play text box.
  • Upload Audio: Click Upload to upload an audio file to be played.
  • Asset Library: Select an existing audio file from the media library.


Max Wait Duration: Enable the toggle to specify the max wait duration in seconds. If exceeded, the Timeout exit setting takes effect.

Exit1, Exit 2, …: Click Add Exit to add more exit conditions, then change these settings.
  • Keypress Input: Set the key to be pressed by the caller for the current exit.
  • Voice Input: Enable the toggle to set the voice keywords that the caller needs to say for the current exit. Click Add Keywords to add more keywords.
  • Name: Enter a display name for the exit. This will display on the Collect Input widget for easy identification.
  • Map Exit to Skill: Select or search for a skill category and skill to map to this exit to better match consumers to agents with the relevant skill. Typically, you can flow to a Route To > Queue widget so that the queue can prioritize routing to agents that have the skill. For example, if you're collecting IVR key presses, you can define an exit for "Press 1 for English support" and map it to the English skill.
    Note: The skill category and skill must be added to the associated agent routing profile of the flow's queue.
  • Next Widget: Select the destination widget if the caller inputs an associated keypress or says an associated keyword.


Timeout: Select the destination widget if the call exceeded the Max Wait Duration set in the widget’s settings.


No Match: Select the destination widget if the caller doesn’t input an associated key or says an associated keyword.

Digit Input: Collect keypress inputs.


(only available for voice channel)

Audio Prompt: Click the numbered icon to edit the associated audio. You can add up to 10 audio prompts. Select one of these options in the drop-down menu. 
  • Text To Speech: Enter text which will be spoken to the caller in the Message to play text box.
  • Upload Audio: Click Upload to upload an audio file to be played.
  • Asset Library: Select an existing audio file from the asset library.


Ending keypress: Select the ending keypress that the caller needs to press for the input to be collected.


Maximum number of digits: Enter the maximum number digits that caller can press.


Timeout in seconds: Specify the timeout value in seconds. If exceeded, the Timeout exit setting takes effect.

  • End of Input: Select the destination widget when the caller inputs the ending keypress. Typically, you would select a Condition widget to verify the input of the CollectInput.Digits variable.
  • Incorrect Input: Select the destination widget when the inputs are incorrect; for example, the number of digits exceeds the maximum.
  • Timeout: Select the destination widget if the call exceeded the Timeout in seconds set in the widget’s settings.

Text Input: Collect text input.

(This table row applies to the web chat, in-app, or SMS channels.)

Prompt Text: Enter text to display to consumers.


Max Wait Duration: Enable the toggle to specify the max wait duration in seconds. If exceeded, the Timeout exit setting takes effect. The default duration is 300 seconds (5 minutes). The max duration is 1,800 seconds (30 minutes).

  • End of Input: Select the destination widget when the caller inputs the ending keypress. Typically, you would select a Condition widget to verify the input of the CollectInput.TextInput variable.
  • Timeout: Select the destination widget if the call exceeded the Max Wait Duration set in the widget’s settings.

Text Input:  Collect text input.

(This table row applies to the video channel.)

Prompt media type: Select the media type to display to consumers. 

  • Video: Select one of these options:
    • Add Video: Click Add Video to upload a video file to be played. Provide a display name and description (optional) for the asset. Enter a filename and select your preferred asset language. The uploaded video will be automatically placed into the asset library.
    • Edit: Click Edit to add a new video or select an existing video asset from the asset library.
  • Image: Select one of these options:.
    • Add Image: Click Add Image to upload an image file to display. Provide a display name and description (optional) for the asset. Enter a filename and select your preferred asset language. The uploaded image will be automatically placed into the asset library.
    • Edit: Click Edit to add a new image or select an existing image asset from the asset library.
  • Slides: Select one of these options:
    • Add Slides: Click Upload Slides to upload a PDF to display. Provide a display name and description (optional) for the asset. Enter a filename and select your preferred asset language. The uploaded PDF file will be automatically placed into the asset library.
    • Edit: Click Edit to add a new PDF file or select an existing slides asset from the asset library.


Text: Click the toggle to enable or display text to display to consumers. If enabled, enter text to display.


Audio: Click the toggle to enable or disable audio to be played while displaying the text and images specified above. Select one of these options:

  • Add Audio: Click Upload Audio to upload an audio file to be played.  Enter a filename and select your preferred asset language. Select one of these options:
    • Text To Speech: Enter text which will be spoken to the caller in the Message to play text box.
    • Upload Audio: Click Upload to upload an audio file to be played.
    • Record by Computer: Capture audio using the computer’s microphone.
      The uploaded audio will be automatically placed into the asset library.
  • Edit: Click Edit to add a new audio or select an existing audio asset from the asset library.


Auto play the media (only visible if Audio is enabled): Click the toggle to enable or disable audio for consumers when the video starts playing automatically.

  • With audio on: Enable audio for the end consumer, so that when the widget is opened, the audio plays automatically along with the video.
  • With audio off: Disable audio for the end consumer, so that when the widget is opened, the video plays automatically but without sound.


Allow interrupt: Allow consumers to click Skip while the audio above is playing. If disabled, consumers will not be able to click Skip while audio is playing. Regardless of this setting, consumers can click Skip after the audio is done playing to skip all slides and be routed based on the specified destination widget.


Allow Leave: Allow consumers to leave while going through the flow.


Input length: Specify the min and max input length in number of characters.


Max Wait Duration: Enable the toggle to specify the max wait duration in seconds. If exceeded, the Timeout exit setting takes effect.

  • End of Input: Select the destination widget when the caller inputs the ending keypress. Typically, you would select a Condition widget to verify the input of the CollectInput.TextInput variable.
  • Timeout: Select the destination widget if the call exceeded the Max Wait Duration set in the widget’s settings.

Quick reply:  Collect text input and specify different buttons consumers can click on.

(This table row applies to the video channel. See the next row for the web and in-app chat channels.)


Prompt media type: Select the media type to display to consumers. 

  • Video: Select one of these options:
    • Add Video: Click Add Video to upload a video file to be played. Provide a display name and description (optional) for the asset. Enter a filename and select your preferred asset language. The uploaded video will be automatically placed into the asset library.
    • Edit: Click Edit to add a new video or select an existing video asset from the asset library.
  • Image: Select one of these options:.
    • Add Image: Click Add Image to upload an image file to display. Provide a display name and description (optional) for the asset. Enter a filename and select your preferred asset language. The uploaded image will be automatically placed into the asset library.
    • Edit: Click Edit to add a new image or select an existing image asset from the asset library.
  • Slides: Select one of these options:
    • Add Slides: Click Upload Slides to upload a PDF to display. Provide a display name and description (optional) for the asset. Enter a filename and select your preferred asset language. The uploaded PDF file will be automatically placed into the asset library.
    • Edit: Click Edit to add a new PDF file or select an existing slides asset from the asset library.


Text: Click the toggle to enable or display text to display to consumers. If enabled, enter text to display.


Audio: Click the toggle to enable or disable audio to be played while displaying the text and images specified above. Select one of these options:

  • Add Audio: Click Upload Audio to upload an audio file to be played.  Enter a filename and select your preferred asset language. Select one of these options:
    • Text To Speech: Enter text which will be spoken to the caller in the Message to play text box.
    • Upload Audio: Click Upload to upload an audio file to be played.
    • Record by Computer: Capture audio using the computer’s microphone.
      The uploaded audio will be automatically placed into the asset library.
  • Edit: Click Edit to add a new audio or select an existing audio asset from the asset library.


Auto play the media (only visible if Audio is enabled): Click the toggle to enable or disable audio for consumers when the video starts playing automatically.

  • With audio on: Enable audio for the end consumer, so that when the widget is opened, the audio plays automatically along with the video.
  • With audio off: Disable audio for the end consumer, so that when the widget is opened, the video plays automatically but without sound.


Allow interrupt: Allow consumers to click Skip while the audio above is playing. If disabled, consumers will not be able to click Skip while audio is playing. Regardless of this setting, consumers can click Skip after the audio is done playing to skip all slides and be routed based on the specified destination widget.


Allow Leave: Allow consumers to leave while going through the flow.


Max Wait Duration: Enable the toggle to specify the max wait duration in seconds. If exceeded, the Timeout exit setting takes effect. The default duration is 300 seconds (5 minutes). The max duration is 1,800 seconds (30 minutes).

Exit1, Exit 2, …: Click Add Exit to add more exit conditions, then change these settings.

  • Button Name: Set the button display name that consumers can click.
  • Name: Enter an internal display name for the exit. This will display on the Collect Input widget for easy identification.
  • Map Exit to Skill: Select or search for a skill category and skill to map to this exit to better match consumers to agents with the relevant skill. Typically, you can flow to a Route To > Queue widget so that the queue can prioritize routing to agents that have the skill. For example, if you're collecting key presses, you can define an exit for English and map it to the English skill.
    Note: The skill category and skill must be added to the associated agent routing profile of the flow's queue.
  • Next Widget: Select the destination widget if the caller clicks the associated button.


Timeout: Select the destination widget if the call exceeded the Max Wait Duration set in the widget’s settings.


No Match: Select the destination widget if the consumer doesn’t input an associated key.

Quick reply:  Collect text input and specify different buttons consumers can click on.

(This table row applies to the web and in-app chat channels. See the previous row for the video channel.)


Prompt Text (only available for web and in-app chat channels): Enter text to display to consumers when prompting them to click on a button.


Max Wait Duration: Enable the toggle to specify the max wait duration in seconds. If exceeded, the Timeout exit setting takes effect. The default duration is 300 seconds (5 minutes). The max duration is 1,800 seconds (30 minutes).


Exit1, Exit 2, …: Click Add Exit to add more exit conditions, then change these settings.

  • Button Name: Set the button display name that consumers can click.
  • Map Exit to Skill: Select or search for a skill category and skill to map to this exit to better match consumers to agents with the relevant skill. Typically, you can flow to a Route To > Queue widget so that the queue can prioritize routing to agents that have the skill. For example, if you're collecting key presses, you can define an exit for English and map it to the English skill.
    Note: The skill category and skill must be added to the associated agent routing profile of the flow's queue.
  • Next Widget: Select the destination widget if the caller clicks the associated button.


Timeout: Select the destination widget if the call exceeded the Max Wait Duration set in the widget’s settings.


No Match: Select the destination widget if the consumer doesn’t input an associated key.