Managing the hub Recordings tab

A Zoom Events hub's recordings give event organizers the option to allow users to watch event recordings. Event recordings will appear in the Recordings tab automatically once the event has started. Event organizers can view, publish, manage, and report recordings within your hub's library.

This also allows users to access recordings without an initial registration for the event, gives users who missed an event an option to view event recordings, and helps event organizers with knowledge sharing and content marketing. As a Zoom Events license holder, you can manage your hub recordings.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for managing hub recordings

Note: For access to the latest Zoom Events and Webinar features, we strongly recommend hosts to update to the latest version of the Zoom desktop client/mobile application.

How to access the hub Recordings tab


  1. Sign in to Zoom Events.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click the top dropdown arrow  and select the hub you want to manage.
  3. Under the hub you want to manage, click Resources, then click Recordings.
    The hub’s recordings will appear.

Search for hub recordings

  1. Access the hub Recordings tab.
  2. In the search box, search by a recording’s name or an event name.
    Note: The search is also a fuzzy search, which matches an entered term closely instead of exactly. You can search by a partial name. Additionally, if you enter a few letters of a recording or event name, you can view all results that include those letters.

Filter hub recordings

  1. Access the hub Recordings tab.
  2. To the right of the search box, click the All Recordings dropdown menu to filter by recording status:

Enable or disable columns

You can select the columns and the columns' information that you want to hide or display. You can either use the Columns button and selecting or deselecting column checkboxes.

  1. In the top-right corner, click the Columns button .
    A menu will display the column checkboxes you can manage. 
  2. To the left of the column you want to show, select the checkbox to enable it.
    When enabled, the column and its information will be displayed.
  3. (Optional) To the left of the column you want to hide, deselect the checkbox to disable it.
    When disabled, the column and its information will be hidden.
  4. (Optional) Click Select All to select and enable all columns.
    All columns and their information will be displayed.
  5. Click Confirm.

How to upload pre-recorded content

Hub users can upload pre-recorded content—whether local recordings or the recordings of the events from the same hub—to the hub's Recordings tab to enable a simulive session. The recordings can only be published to the hub listing when they're attached to a published event, and the event type is Simulive.

Note: The option to upload a video to be used with simulive is available by request only. For additional questions, contact Zoom Support to discuss whether this feature is available for your account.

  1. Access the hub Recordings tab.
  2. In the top-right corner, click Upload Recording .
  3. Select a video that you want to upload, then click Open
    Note: The video format includes .mp4, .mov, .avi, .wmv, and H.264 files. The maximum video size is 5GB.
    A video upload window will appear. This window will remain open if you navigate to a different page. You can also collapse or expand the window. While an upload is in progress, you cannot cancel the upload until it is complete.
  4. (Optional) In the video upload window, click Add More to upload more videos.

The recording will appear in the hub's Recordings tab. Uploaded recordings will also appear in your recording list on the Zoom web portal. The videos uploaded in the hub's Recordings tab will be stored on the Zoom web portal cloud storage instead of the Zoom Events platform.

Add recording details (metadata)

After uploading a recording to a hub, an event organizer can add basic metadata and modify metadata. Metadata helps the event organizer identify the asset and will sync across the event creation setup. The event organizer can add the following metadata:

How to edit or delete hub recordings

Edit hub recordings on the Zoom web portal as the hub owner

  1. Access the hub Recordings tab.

  2. To the right of the recording you want to manage, click the ellipses  then click Edit Recording Content.
    A pop-up box will appear, informing you that you will be directed to the Zoom web portal.
  3. In the pop-up box, click Go to Zoom Web Portal to confirm.
    You will be directed to the Zoom web portal to edit, replace, or delete your recording.

Edit hub recordings as a hub host or co-editor

Hub hosts and co-editors can only edit and replace the recording.

Edit recording details (metadata)

Note: Changes will automatically be saved in the hub recording library and apply to any place where this recording is saved.

  1. Access the hub Recordings tab.
  2. To the right of the recording you want to manage, click the edit icon .
    The recording details panel will appear.
  3. In the recording details panel, edit the following information:
  4. Click Save

Replace recordings

  1. Access the hub Recordings tab.

  2. To the right of the recording you want to manage, click the ellipses  then click Edit.
    The recording playback page will appear.
  3. In the top-right corner, click the ellipsis , then select Replace this recording.
    A pop-up window will appear.
  4. In the window, drag and drop a file or Choose a File to replace the recording.
    Note: The video formats include .mp4, .mov, .avi, .wmv, and H.264 files. The maximum video size is 5GB.
    The new recording will appear on the recording playback page.

Once you replace the recording, all of the existing recording files will be removed. A copy of the original recording file will be stored for restoration purposes. If the existing recording had a transcript or highlights, Zoom will generate new versions based on the uploaded content.

How to view hub recording analytics

  1. Access the hub Recordings tab.
  2. To the right of the recording you want to manage, click the ellipsis icon , then click View Recording Analytics.
    You will be directed to the recording's event Analytics Sessions tab.

How to access the recording's event details page

  1. Access the hub Recordings tab.
  2. (Optional) Filter the recordings by event info:
    1. Hover your mouse over Event Info, then click the filter icon .
      A filtering menu will appear.
    2. Select the checkboxes of the events you want to filter.
    3. (Optional) Use the search bar to search for specific events.
    4. (Optional) Click Select All to select all checkboxes.
    5. (Optional) Select Clear All to remove all filters.
  3. To the right of a recording that you want to manage, under the Event Info column, click the event name .
    You will be directed to the event details page.

How to publish or unpublish hub recordings to the lobby

Note: To publish or unpublish a recording to the hub’s recordings, you must be a hub owner or hub host.

  1. Access the hub Recordings tab.
  2. To the right of a recording that you want to manage, under the Publish to Event Lobby column, click the toggle to enable or disable it.
    Enabling this feature will display the recording in the lobby. Disabling this feature will remove the recording from the lobby.

How to watch hub recordings

Watch a recording from a hub

  1. Access the hub Recordings tab.

  2. To the right of the recording you want to watch, click Watch.
    You will be directed to the recording player where you can watch the recording.
  3. Click the Play icon.
    Note: You can also watch any other recording session published for that event. The recording sessions are displayed on the right side of the recording player.

Use audio transcriptions

Audio transcription—if enabled by the host at the time of the recording—is available in the recording. 

Search through audio transcription

You can search for a word (or words) in the transcript:

  1. In the Search... box, enter the word(s) you are searching for.
    All matching terms in the transcript will be highlighted.
  2. (Optional) After you have searched for a word, do the following actions: 

Use recording transcript translation

  1. Watch a hub's recording.
  2. At the top of the recording's transcription, click the language box.
    A language menu will appear.
  3. Select the transcription language that you want.  
    The transcript will appear in your selected language.

Use multi-language voice translation from interpreters

Interpreters' translation audio can be played in the Zoom Events recordings for the sessions in the lobby and published recordings in the hub. Users can choose the language(s) available that are translated and recorded by interpreters.

  1. Watch a hub's recording.
  2. In the video controls toolbar, click the Language Interpretation icon.
    Note: On smaller screen sizes or windows, you may have to click the More icon , then click Language Interpretation.
    A language menu will appear.
  3. In the menu, click the language that you would like to hear.

Report a recording

Note: You must be signed in to Zoom Events to report a recording.

  1. Watch a hub's recording.
  2. At the bottom of the recording player page, click Report Recording.
  3. Under Pause and mark the timestamp of issue in the recording progress bar, enter the Timestamp of Abuse to let the Trust and Safety team know when the issue occurred.
  4. Under What happened?, click the dropdown menu and select the applicable issue.
  5. Click Send Report.
    The Trust and Safety team will follow up by sending a confirmation email to the email that you use for your Zoom Events account.
  6. In your email inbox, find the confirmation email and click Confirm Report in the email.